looking 2 travel

Have you tried Apex guys in Exeter , they are stacked out with work , If not try SRK from Taunton , they have the new Exeter University , about 1 years work .

Hope this helps ?
uıɐbɐ uʍopǝpısdn;85967 said:
Have you tried Apex guys in Exeter , they are stacked out with work , If not try SRK from Taunton , they have the new Exeter University , about 1 years work .

Hope this helps ?

Has a new leaf been turned hear or what..........or.....[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSG5lghZANg&feature=fvwrel]YouTube - ‪Gremlins main theme‬‏[/ame]
"Hear" is what you do with your ears

Here , meaning ......this place::::: " It's only a short distance from here".

Bet you wish you tried harder at school ?
uıɐbɐ uʍopǝpısdn, Don't spoil it mate :D

Luke 15:7
I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.
uıɐbɐ uʍopǝpısdn;85971 said:
"Hear" is what you do with your ears

Here , meaning ......this place::::: " It's only a short distance from here".

Bet you wish you tried harder at school ?

I will give you that one....... Must pay more attention to detail. Did you here that ok?

I would of thought you would of been busy with your, 60.000 plus web-site, rather than stick your neb, in our cosy Cliche.:eek:
try london boys you look hard enuf youl find a not bad number depends wot your after money wise:blink1:
uıɐbɐ uʍopǝpısdn, Don't spoil it mate :D

I don't expect to be criticised by some sarcastic member .

My post was legit and helpful, only to be put in the same category as a "Gremlin" , im human , when someone has a go ,then i defend my-self , its what we all do .
uıɐbɐ uʍopǝpısdn;85978 said:
I don't expect to be criticised by some sarcastic member .

My post was legit and helpful, only to be put in the same category as a "Gremlin" , im human , when someone has a go ,then i defend my-self , its what we all do .

Oakey doakey, i apologise for twinning you with a Gremlin.........However How long to you start again.[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJMLSrz2Tos&feature=related]YouTube - ‪Five minute countdown‬‏[/ame]
uıɐbɐ uʍopǝpısdn

Take your point but to me it is the height of bad manners to pull up any poster on his spelling,grammer or syntax

Paddy has a dry sense of humour and I have enjoyed reading most of his post's and his take on a lot of topics

Most of us on here were playing footy drinking or trying to sniff out a quick shag when the English teacher was banging on.

Take out your gumshield,you may enjoy the forum if you give it,and yourself a fair chance
uıɐbɐ uʍopǝpısdn;85984 said:
Noted .

Thank-you for the Advise , and Paddy i apologise, and no hard feelings fella ?

I dont do grudges mate, However, should that not be Advice, rather than Advise?:eek:

---------- Post added at 09:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:25 PM ----------

edit not quick enough.......;)
Thats 1 - 1 Paddy

The guy who started this topic must think its Christmas when he next logs onto the site with all these reply s .
My Grammar was quite good till.....Some doctor on tv this morning said the way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the things you have started. So I looked around my house to see things I'd started & hadn't finished, then I finished off a bottle of Gin, a bodle of Baileys, a butle of wum, a pock of Prungles, 1/2 chesecke an a boc a choclez. Yu haf no idr how bludy fablus I feeel now. Plaese sned dhis orn to dem yu fee ar in ned ov iennr pisss.:D:D

---------- Post added at 10:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:59 PM ----------

uıɐbɐ uʍopǝpısdn;85991 said:
Thats 1 - 1 Paddy

The guy who started this topic must think its Christmas when he next logs onto the site with all these reply s .

reply s .
Seems iffy also.:D
God i remember those nights very very well .

You spend the night at the bar spending more than you have earned that week and you end up dancing on your own and looking a right Plank

Bring back memory's Paddy ?
Last edited:
All pisstake aside- you seem Ok some times....a decent guy and all that sh1t.

Then you turn into a right P***K. How many times have you been banned now??????3,4 5 times.

FFs with your Computer skills and Knowledge, i would say you could and would be a assett to the Forum, Your Info for the lads was 'Spot on' or is it the case of 'Multiple users' on the username ?:sad

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