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haha, that's why the forum is slow, death by a thousand glitches. :eek:
Sake Paddy, is every one on egg shells waiting for the plug to be pulled?
I also thought it was the end of the line, :(

then thought no ad-min would give us some notice:)

Think the outage may be down to v Bulletin Solutions inc who host the site.:idea:

Has ad-min paid the bills, or his he wrapping it afterall:(

Not been near a computer today but still the news got to me earlier and I too feared the worst, I may have cried into my mug of tea.
Fu ck i have just realised if the forum closes i might have to speak to the old woman again instead of having a crack on here :eek:
I thought to myself fuc me I've been barred ! What ever did I write on here last night no I mean this morning when I got in ! What a hang over its only now going
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