lets be honnest!!

isnt jarrow full of scots migrants there is a church of scotland there is there not;)
Ive worked with loads of Boro Scaffolders.
Some of the best Scaffolders ive worked with are from there... but their aint half alot of useless fukkers from there also, lol.
I try to get as many people as possible i work with to come onto the Forum.
The most common response is: 'I aint going on that shiit'. - Which fukking pisses me off, no end.

The problem with this entire trade - all of Scaffolding, is that we aint evolved.
We're still skulking about like cave-men and still treated like Neanderthal thugs...

Most Scaffolders i know are NOT big, hairy, bully, pisshead w@nkers that they used to be.
The days of beasting about, smashing lumps of shiit up, for a few shillings are over. - We DONT need to be like that anymore. We dont need to kill ourselves anymore and why the fukk should we??? - Our bosses earn more then enough out of us, without busting our balls all day.

Proper fukks me off...

Am i a big hulking brute?
No. Im a short (5ft 6), fat (14st) little bloke... but i cant half put a nice job up. ---> WITHOUT A DRAWING, with my eyes closed. - I fukking ruin most blokes i work with - who i might add, cant put a Scaffold up round a bus stop, without making a mess.
I read books, play the xBox, watch Star Trek films and listen to Classical music.

You DONT need to be a cave-man to do this job and do it correctly.

Its an attitude that need to change.
It needs to change from 'grass-roots' ie: Labourers - all the way to the top Scaffolders and their Supervisors.

Like the SCCR and this Forum.
Its STILL not being taken seriously yet and when it does, all our lives are going to become much, much easier.

"Only sad c.unts, sit on the Scaffolders Forum" - FUKK YOU! - Its just a laugh and a good place to get help and offer it, to others that are the same as you - the same as us - Scaffolders, who are ALL struggling to earn a few quid to look after our families.

Ive been on the Sambuca for most of the evening and feel like a moan.
Rant over.

Most of the scaffolders I know have evolved Jason. We may have all started in council flats 50 years ago but most of my scaff mates live in their own paid for houses in the better parts of the cities. And we come in all shapes and sizes. Must admit not many your shape and size though :D
Most of the scaffolders I know have evolved Jason. We may have all started in council flats 50 years ago but most of my scaff mates live in their own paid for houses in the better parts of the cities. And we come in all shapes and sizes. Must admit not many your shape and size though :D

Im more 'heavy boned' then fat, lol.
Or thats what i keep telling myself.
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