KML European Services

I havn't got any credit left on my phone, is there any chance of someone on the forum phoning the number and seeing if they have a start for me, then let me know on here.

I havn't got any credit left on my phone, is there any chance of someone on the forum phoning the number and seeing if they have a start for me, then let me know on here.


Have tried ringing on your behalf but was redirected to a call centre in Marrakesh (Morocco) with answer machine spieling Arabic, maybe marrawatson (language Translator ) who has been to Marrakesh to check out their local cuisine in the search for Jam sarnie impersonators can make out the message received.
Would you like me to P.M. him and request his services?
With my Knowledge of Arabic im 5% sure the job is not Algerian related.
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