No not yet, tried to contact him & let him know what the score is but as yet no reply.
£6 a linear metre in some paces in Cornwall most banks would laugh at any business plan, John must have found a good one.
Most people start with a half back & work up to a lorry.
Good luck to him but St Austell has the most scaffold firms in Cornwall so it will be difficult.
If you dont try you will never now stew,as for the half back,start as you mean to go on,i cant put up four sides of a house in north cornwall from a transit,i would have to do 6-8 trips,
Im pretty sure we worked together on hewaswater scaffolding many moons ago,i was stuck on the urban village site in st austell for what seemed like years,
Oh and id give you my lorry if you could get a 26 ton truck anywhere near the quay in fowey
Big john,
Was this a trade sale or private. Any chance of passing me his details as i am on look out for a lorry/truck.
Big John have you ever thought about a horse and cart mate with a narrow cart
pretty sure AOM could advise as to best type of cart fro the job