is this what its coming to


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
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we e mailed new solar panel firm asking why we did not get the jobs we had quoted for even tho' we had done work for them previously. the reply was they had found someone cheaper. fair enough. they went on to say they did not care about the quality, it was all about the price!!!! this was a new up and coming firm that wanted us to survey, quote then erect in around 4 days
De ja vu ! Same situ this end
Its all about price... rough front and back outfits doing work for **** all... bout time HSE started visiting these jobs and fining them...
Its all about price... rough front and back outfits doing work for **** all... bout time HSE started visiting these jobs and fining them...

100% agree.

In times of Recession, so-called Health and Safety goes out the window.
Theres no such thing as Health and Safety... its just a pure money making scheme that is ONLY used and quoted when there is money to waste on a job, as a way of keeping us 'scum' tradesmen inline and a way to cover arse.

If the time comes that the cost of a job falling behind outweighs the cost of Contractors being sued - for working outside HSE rules, then Health and Safety is put on the back burner...

Real, true Health and Safety is a con. Its a lie. Its a fabricated fairytale that we will NEVER EVER see being fully put into practice as it simply costs far too much money to properly enforce.
Supply and Demand, If you can get a job done £300 cheaper you go for it,:bigsmile:

if the job gets pulled you blame your scaffold erection company,they are the experts after all :cool: thats what you pay them for.

You stated in your contract "that all works must comply with current H&S legislation"
These people who bang ***** cheap jobs up, usually have no money. property behind them, they don't care if they get in bother with HSE, how can they get anything off them if they have **** all ? no morales, no pride, don't give a **** cowboys, have a look at some jobs knocking about.. rough as ****...
Until we have a organisation that is independent of HSE, that is solely tasked with bringing prosecutions down on companies and individuals that do not comply with H & S regulation.Leave the big boys alone for a while,they are at least trying, and concentrate on the streets where the public is in most danger

Sentences that are robust (a new in word) and with fines that reflect that these people are risking lives to make a profit

Then nothing will change :mad:
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As a company ,not at lot of work on ,bills to pay ,dont want to lay your men off,you know these solar panels companies are bleedin you dry, what do you do ......we got offered 40 scaffolds a week for panels ,if we do them for £210.00 each.....but heres the ****.....within a 100 miles radius of our yard... You need each gang doing 3 erects a day +2/3 dism to f**kin make a profit.........we should all stop erecting for these c**ts unless we get at least £350.00 min per scaffold...but true h+s goes out of the window with these jobs ,could be! With it all being government backed h+s been told to turn a blind eye?....if you cant beat them join um??????what the fu*k
Are any of the HSE flapjacks members of the forum? Surely... there has to be one (ally) amongst all of the beauracratic numbskulls, who will take it upon themselves to follow up on/or make business life difficult for these cowboys.. maybe I'm just dreaming!!!! :(
Not dreaming Anto, there are a few friends of the forum in the safety business but like most public funded service on a national level they are stretched to the limit.
I see loads of rought jobs round burnley. street jobs with no yellow pads , ladder access consisting of just leaving both stop end handrails off . i even saw a 10 foot tower 4 lifts lied by using insulation tape to a telegraph pole. how do they get away with it
I see loads of rought jobs round burnley. street jobs with no yellow pads , ladder access consisting of just leaving both stop end handrails off . i even saw a 10 foot tower 4 lifts lied by using insulation tape to a telegraph pole. how do they get away with it

The rough f.uckers. They should have used gaffer tape:D
Its all about price... rough front and back outfits doing work for **** all... bout time HSE started visiting these jobs and fining them...

HSE only go for major scaffolding companies, they have publicly stated that its not worth the time and money prosecuting a one man band outfit, on the other hand a major player getting fined and shamed in the press is a great deterrant to all concerned
I would disagree with General manager's post

Scaffolder charged with erecting dangerous scaffolding

30/03/2011 A Plymouth man who erected scaffolding and left it in a dangerous condition had ignored an order to undertake safety training, city magistrates' heard.

A Health and Safety Executive (HSE) inspector visited a residential property in Plymouth on 16 March 2009 and found several basic safety failings in scaffolding erected by the man for roofing work.

Plymouth Magistrates Court heard only one guard rail was found on the working platform that required two, no safety harnesses were used to erect the scaffold and an unsecured scaffold pole was resting on a broken concrete block wall.

HSE served a prohibition notice ordering work to stop and the man was also served with an improvement notice to undertake training in scaffolding safety, which the scaffolder had not previously done.

Despite these orders inspectors returning to the site found the scaffolder had failed to carry out the training under and were forced to prosecute.

The scaffolder pleaded guilty to contravening the requirements of an Improvement Notice to provide sufficient training for himself and his employee under Section 33 (1) (g) of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. He was given a conditional discharge and ordered to pay £2,108 in costs. The magistrates also ordered the scaffolder to complete the additional training for himself and his employees within 18 months of the hearing.

After sentencing, a HSE Inspector commented:

"It is absolutely imperative that scaffolding is erected safely by well trained workers to avoid often catastrophic incidents.

"This case not only illustrated a lack of professionalism when the scaffolding was erected but then ignorance of a legal order intended to increase the scaffolders competence. He has found today that compliance with these notices is compulsory, not optional.

"Proper training in scaffolding techniques would have easily avoided the basic mistakes made and created a much safer environment for his own workers and the roofers relying on his workmanship."

All the best

Told you Anto.:D
thanks for that AOM... some dreams do come thru... And its only right that the law serves all... I read a lot of the threads on here, a lot of them quite interesting, some funny and entertaining, some then, completely baseless but none the less a topic..

health & safety is none the less a prime issue in each and every one of us guys & ladies, whom interact in a proffesional capacity with clients, colleagues and members of the public. I have found myself on the edge of frustration and pure ire in times gone by, brought upon by muppets who claim to know what they dont, in a scaffolding capacity and a health & safety capacity. To highlight the latter, I was in town one day, a couple of years ago pushing my wee lad in his pram. There was this scaffold on the high street that caught my eye, twas a kstage scaffold. (a lot of scaffolds erected where i live is in that yellow jelly tap tap *****) a 50 ' high x 24' long x 4' deep. every lift boarded.. this monstrosity was first of all tied in with rope , the centre bay was loaded halway up with standards, batons and ledgers.. The batons supporting that were under savage duress. Everything that was wrong with it,, would be an understatement.
My initial concern was the general public, quite a busy street with women and young toddlers in prams, oblivious to the imminent hazard.
I called the irish h.s.a on my mobile and made a detailed report.. I was informed that it would be inacted on immediately.
3 weeks later..Yes,, 3 weeks later, I was out and about when I received a call...A hsa inspector called me from the location of where the scaffold I reported.
The guy introduced himself, too be honest it took me a few seconds to gather my thoughts ..anyway, the guy asked me what the problem was? straight away, I said to him, could he not see what the problem was... A blind man could have conducted a risk assessment ... it was a pity that i was not on location... so over the phone I pointed out the major hazards to the general public.. And still, I felt i was getting nowhere with this muppet (how did he get a job?) I pointed out to him, that if he looked over his left shoulder he would see another kstage street job.. I said compare like with like... In fairness the other street job was perfect..(text book)
Thank god i was not on location,, I would have decked him... He said to me after a complete useless conversation.. that because the scaffold was dormant,, ie no one working on it, he had no powers to enact any of his special powers..(**** me ,, i said) " do you mean to tell me, because no one was working on this small private site.. you an do nowt! what if the job collapsed and killed and maimed passer-bys, apart from the emergency services doing what they do best, the HSA would also be involved".
It was clear to me that I was talking to a complete imbocile, a ******* retard (excuse my french) I hung up.
I got in touch with the city council, who issue the street permits.. spoke to some chap, told him everything i just explained above.. He couldn't believe it.. He had one of his own engineers down within an hour of my call to him.. The engineer then called me, they placed a prohibition order and the company that erected it were ordered that very day to dismantle it.

Thats my little rant... I dont suffer muppets,, from any walk of life..
unfortunately, because of my principals, im sat here at homewaiting for a so called job to come in.. I refuse to work here in ireland, for a reduced national rate, increased union fees and compulsory pension thats worth nothing in maturity. :)
Its easy to sit behind a desk, read reports and point fingers.
Most HSE guys or Safety Inspectors in general ive spoken to have little to NO manual working experience... alot of them sound like right toffee nosed tw@ts, who got their qualifications through college or the like.

Common sense seems to have missed these guys when it was being given out.
They just write pages and pages of irrelevant crap to justify their £100K + wages...

I heard a long time ago that the reason why mandatory single handrails on non working lifts come out because some receptionist in some building opposite a Scaffold being erected was horrified to see blokes walking the lift and chaining their hemps up, without a handrail and she apparently rung the HSE and said:

"What if that 'builder' forgot where he was and accidently walked off the lift he was building" :eek:

????? I mean what the f.uck is that all about, lol.
Who has EVER EVER... EVER 'forgot' they was on a lift and walked off the edge of a Scaffold??? :confused:

Thats what i heard anyway, or something like that.

Even SG:04/SG:05/SG:25 or whatever is a GUIDELINE.
No one job is 100% exactly the same and nothing is as black and white as the HSE make it out to be.
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