Is this a one little boy forum?

Good post Paddy

I dislike censorship in any form, but their has to be limits as to how far we are allowed to go in expressing our views and opinions on a public forum.

We are quite relaxed on the forum in many regards but the idiots of this world must be policed or the whole ethic of the forum is brought down.With the loss of many fine post's by members with knowledge and experience

I have always tried to debate the post and NOT the poster , although some people have got under my skin at times and I have resorted to personel comments , I am not proud of this

You have it in a nutshell Paddy RESPECT

or to para-phrase

Treat others as you would like to be treated
I would have but there seemed to be a wee bit of debate about his actual location,maybe i should contact the instructor he had the full run down on him,so much that if he wasnt banned the outing of the non completion of basic assesment,and subsequent trainee card must have broke him.
I think it's fairly obvious when a MOD has to step in, on the rare occasions a thread gets out of hand, is just an endless slagging match thats going no where... or after we've got bored of ripping the p!ss out of a troll... then it's time to close it.
Good to see Paddy and Rigger back - you've both been very missed.

Always voices of reason and great advice givers.

With being a moderator comes big responsibility and Paddy, you have been true to the job during your time. It's a juggling job, between your personal thoughts and what is actially fair and correct - being impartial when you have your own views, but that's part of the job. The fact that most things tend to kick off Friday nights (;)) when Admin is having a rest, doesn't make it easier - sometimes decisions need to be made early on.

Anyway, that is all :)
There has always been a troll lurking in the background.
Some of our pond life members have been using aliases for ages.
I expect a new Master, Ben Flynn, Redneck etc. will be along soon.
Britains becoming too americanised,someone steps out of line then you take your medicine,some people are more easily offended but the good will always win through,I think because the master avoided any talk of scaffolding he was defo an alter ego,bens a new one on me and if that fukers for real get him on x factor as that blokes obviously got talent,couldn't give a fuk about people slagging as compared to the real world this place is a doddle!
Britains becoming too americanised,someone steps out of line then you take your medicine,some people are more easily offended but the good will always win through,I think because the master avoided any talk of scaffolding he was defo an alter ego,bens a new one on me and if that fukers for real get him on x factor as that blokes obviously got talent,couldn't give a fuk about people slagging as compared to the real world this place is a doddle!

alter ego hey joe you aint been on much l8lyb and as soon as theve gone ya back on hows that for a conspiracy lol ;)
To be honest the master was quite funny apart from the sponge for powerfool he took a fair bit of stick and never really came back with anything too sinister.
Feck me some of the comments about his girlfriend were well out of order and he took it on the chin.
The fact we are all still debating the guys must say somethiong about the rest of us

Benny Flynn slapped him so hard he landed in AOMs board rack :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
havent been on much but id planned to read the master's , why hate on me thread , seems like its gone
The Master and Benny both got banned and all their post got deleted , most of it was just a slagging match you didnt miss much :)
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