Inspection Techniques...

Garry Adams

Well-known member
Jan 2, 2010
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Iv been researching Remote Control Drones as a technique to Inspect Scaffold Structures, video and or image of visual Breaches ect…

My Question (s) to the Forum is, has anyone out there currently using this technique and if so can you give any feed back...
The first major problem I can see is getting clearance to use them in built up/industrial areas.
@ Stonedrose1…a good point if General Public and through traffic were an issue, however, I was thinking of Power Generation and Processing Installations with controlled access to zones / areas under Inspection...
Hello Garry. Was on a job last year at huntsman/tioxide. Sealsands. The yardman on there I'm 99% poss he done an aerial view of plant with drone. Not sure for scaff firm or for tioxide themselves. But tioxide is a chem plant. Good luck anyway mate. Hope this helps.
Carrilion stopped heyrods using them on the royal liverpool hospital,for the reasons of safety if it crashed into someone, personally i find it unbelievable that an inspector couldnt get off his fat arse and walk the job hes inspecting, then again just another easier way to fuk over the working man.....what next follow me home to make sure i am who i say i am :mad:
Hi Joebag…

Firstly, thanks for your thoughts, its good to have a balanced view…

Far be it my intention to give the Inspector an easier shift nor devise a way to fek over my Brother Scaffolders…nothing will replace walk through Inspection, however, I see airborne Inspections as an aid to to Inspector where practicable…

Thanks for post…it gave me a devalue re the resistance when I introduced the I W to the Forum way back in the early days…my Brother Scaffs thought that I was crazy ( and I am but don't tell anyone )...
@ Ellon941…

Im as fit as a butchers dog :cool: and enjoy a walk thought Inspection and the health benefits it brings ( keeps the fat off the ass PMSL )…

Whats the Number (941) stand for Bro ???
I looked into this about 9 months ago for inspecting church spires and things. Not just as easy as buying the kit and off you go. If your using it to make money and not as a hobby, believe it or not you need a pilots license, and when i looked into this......... i quickly changed my mind.

Small Unmanned Aircraft (20kg or less) | Aircraft | Operations and Safety

Foooooookin right head blagger!! There are that many firms about that do this type of thing now, it didn't make sense to follow it all through for the benefit i'd get.

Back to point, i could only see it being useful for inspecting some high level support work that didn't have access, of something like a temporary roof, if you needed to check the top of the sheets. But how often do you need to do that?
Apologies gary just read it back and no need for my tone, will tell you why i commented, was 90ft up on this hospital and this thing flew about 20ft from my head, later on the gf turned to me and said good to see you clipped on,,,,,,

For getting to church spires etc i get it but whats happening is we are constantly being watched and pressured everywhere and not just our trade....also you get more money for the access tower to way up a job in the first place....

Apologies again as i believe a fat arse has nothing to do with it;)
What about a "tag catapult" attached to the drone, you could fire the pre-signed tag straight into the tag holder from the office!
For getting to church spires etc i get it but whats happening is we are constantly being watched and pressured everywhere and not just our trade....also you get more money for the access tower to way up a job in the first place....

Tried that already Joe, they never pay for scaffold for a survey, so it's either picker or rope access. Was only thinking of a way to keep in with the architects. Quite a lot of them would rather do the survey whilst sat in the back of a van watching a live feed on a screen, than bouncing around in a picker, unlike the majority of us, ( even though i know a few lads with concrete feet) not everybody is happy when they leave the ground. Anyway it's a ballache so that's why i never bothered.
Theres a lad at our place just got a licence to fly drones, the cameras now show heat loss in buildings and all sorts of other ****. Its the way forward for building( roof) inspection
i know were your coming from on yhis one garry on the whole i dont think they would be usefull in cases of Scaffold Collapse or were the structures have been dameged by a crane colapse for instance.
you could utilise it to risk assess the scene before the scaffs go into to danger ares and start the strip.;)
can you pm me your number as i lost my phone:eek:
Salutations Brother…well old bean your bang on the money as per usual, you have cited two instances where a Drone may be utilised to good effect…as usual we are on the same wave length on this one, EEEeem not sure if we will be restricted by UK Regs, not where this is going :eek:Oh by the way if you still on the Aircraft Carrier, could you ask some of the boffins there if the got a device to detect heat ( node point )



---------- Post added at 01:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:47 AM ----------

Hi Baxter, aye Man that a good one, thought Id opt for a robotic arm attached to the superstructure sign and pop it in the Tag Holder, or use a bar code, mount a scanner on the Drone, some of these Drones have a decent payload, perhaps, I could send the Scaffs lemonade and buns :cool:...

---------- Post added at 02:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:55 AM ----------

Hi Double standards…thanks for the info…how easy is it to fly, some have GPS, builtin flight plan ect…whats the wind speed ceiling for optimum flyt ect…aye, they got some lens that can detect heat…wonder if theres a lens that can detect heat within the frictional force around the couplers…seem just thought Id put it out there for consideration or saluter…OR, it way past my bed time and Im speaking a lot of magumba...

Big boys and their Toys eh

Good to hear from you and thanks agin for the info...

---------- Post added at 02:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:04 AM ----------

Hi Joe…Bro Scaff, absolutely no need for apoligies, I knew you we having the criac, shooting the breeze…I got to say though, your spot on a lot of fat assed Inspectors out there made me laugh any way, but, good feed back comments, aye, costs a ******* eh, thank Foook I won't be paying for any of the kit, I don't have anything to do with raising P O's thats the CEO's executive decision to make…

It a pity that you found the Funding Prohibitive, was there no Funds available for your Business Plan ???
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Just a wee up-date…source's tell be that Two Oil and Gas Services Coz have bought in to drones…presently using them for Fabric Inspections, however, may not be long before employing drones to Inspect and or Survey Scaffolds…

Thoughts ???
I was offshore a few years ago and they used a drone to do inspections of the flare tip, it was the first time I had seen a drone anywhere.
A drone would be useless for inspections.
How would you get one to replace the odd "Toeboard kickers"?

As a poster has already mentioned you need a commercial quad licence to fly one if your using it as a work related tool.

There are strict regulations to with regards to built up area's and in particular altitude within built up area's and they are a no go within 3 miles of any private or commercial airfield or airport.

I use to fly DJI Phantom 3 Pro and the DJI Inspire 1 models and to be honest whilst great as a hobby interest, the camera's on both of these were 4k they have no optical zoom, so for inspection purposes you would have to fly very close to the source to inspect the finer details.

And to be honest they aint cheap, I lost the Phantom 3 when a carbon prop gave up the ghost and it fell into the ocean at a distance of 3km from the transmitter point, I was chasing wind surfers off the Purbecks in Dorset £1200 out of pocket.
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