Would assume most of you lads are still on the spanners, STAY THERE!! dont go into supervisory or management position's. If you do then the fun and satisfaction will be taken away from you, you have been warned
Best years of my life out on the spanners, oh how I want to turn the clock back
out of all the posts i have read on here this one is the best
to know you guys have a love of the job a passion and pride is and could be a real inspiration to all those comming into the game .
i have heard so many people with regrets about their working lives wishing they had changed or could change cos ive had a few diffrent jobs untill this one (even though i am no scaffolder)
its a special bunch of blokes that are know as Scaffolders
well done to one and all
I still had some fun and some great memories and incidents when I was in management.
Certainly being on the spanners can be more satisfying but I wouldnt change a thing about my chosen career. Might make a few different decisions about wives etc if had to do it all again.
So one can assume you are not in management any more:bigsmile:
Wives--- whats that? still on the first wive oh no its not wive its a wife 28 years
dont think there are many scaffs still on there first is there?
Come on lads prove me wrong
So one can assume you are not in management any more:bigsmile:
Wives--- whats that? still on the first wive oh no its not wive its a wife 28 years
dont think there are many scaffs still on there first is there?
Come on lads prove me wrong
Sorry Spannerman, I am still with my childhood sweetheart.
Yes Spannerman 32 Years Married To She Who Must Be Obeyed, (Holy Crap, You Dont Get That For Murder)