how to dismantle this ???

Well first of all i wud tie rope to the beams so the job does not go in down the river lol, then try and pull the job back in over and get a few ties. GOOD LUCK
push it in or try crane the ****** out from the beams
pull the job upright from the top.wait for waters to go down, jump on it and get the hammer out. when u get to the beam use ur rope to pull them in u may need a little dingy boat life jackets etc. an idea m8

good luck.
make sure ya put your life jacket on when stripping lol looks like a crane job or leave it untill water level goes down
wait till water drops bit more , then throw spandeck or youngman board across if possible, from bank to pier.

are you intending to dismantle within the guidelines of sg4:10 :nuts:

think you need one of them bridge cherry pickers that have about 4 or 5 knuckles down the boom and can go up down an around things.

if you get stuck, DONT PHONE ME :toung:
piece of piss for a man of my experience:)
looks like the beams have come of their bearing point mate i dont think you can get it back on from the top. Like the lads are saying i think you will need a crane to lift it out if possible , you are gonna need to wait until the water level drops so you can see exactly the damage to the beams. How deep is the river , can you stand in it when the level drops if so maybe get in the river and put in some standards on oversize baseplate say 18 inchs square
you could tack weld them to the standards before you drop them in the river , then you could try and build a 13 foot tower in the centre to re-support it all. The problem is if it goes you wont stop it , last resort push the thing over . :0
and be rerected



and it needs to go back up again !!!! its in eire so i dont not about rules for design

im glad its not my job
you didnt say it was in Ireland "sure that will be alright till the summer" no one will be working in this weather anyways :D
make up a pontoon and work off that---dismantal and rack the gear then re-erect---alternatvely, blow the fecker to Kingdom come, there must be a wee bit of bucshei semtex laying around somewhere :nuts:
i blame rosie and jim they were told the bridge was shut lol.
well as most of the outside beam and lower standards have gone there isn't much chance of fixing it up to dismantle so i'd take a stihl saw to both ends lol
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