How much?

Lost job price

Priced it at 300 if it was up and down with it been near Christmas and cheeky ******* knocked it back saying he wanted to fit an aerial and paint house so basically would let me ave it back when work was complete ! I am being picky or was he taking the piss if that's too dear then I'm packing this **** in and buying a SANDWICH VAN
Priced it at 300 if it was up and down with it been near Christmas and cheeky ******* knocked it back saying he wanted to fit an aerial and paint house so basically would let me ave it back when work was complete ! I am being picky or was he taking the piss if that's too dear then I'm packing this **** in and buying a SANDWICH VAN

Fine if you are on your own and working from the back of a pick up but hardly worth leaving the yard for. Feck him, take a few pictures of the job he does get up.:idea:
bf you sure that isnt me in the pic reeling you two fekers in must be 1,000lbs on this line and most of thats in the wallets :laugh:

Hahahaa.brilliant comeback scaff89. no flies on you lol. :laugh:
Nearly there aom,lol,actually there was 750lb on the line,blue marlin:Doh i've told you that one before eh:toung::cool:

see how he mentions there was a 750 marlin on the line but never a mention of landing a 750 marlin was out in the pond last week had a 1,000,000 lbs start fish on the line and was only fishing with 9lbs line had to cut the line as the net wasnt big enough to land it ahahah

Hahahaa.brilliant comeback scaff89. no flies on you lol. :laugh:

these 2 think my heeds pented on lol
Ah well mate,its easier to work for someone than to find constant work for staff. Been there done that, enjoying life on the tools. Carefree,whereever we may be.haha
Got the same problem myself, rather sit in the yard.
What like frank sidebottom,:nuts::laugh::laugh:

these 2 think my heeds pented on lol
Got the same problem myself, rather sit in the yard.

Snap Al, If you've got other things to do, the best thing you can do is leave those poxy jobs to the slashers. They're all over the country, and you cant get rid of them I'm afraid..

Thing is though, it does get up my nose that some tsoser puts the job up for less than what it would cost me to send the lads out of the yard for.
Agreed. I was driving home today and spotted a load of dodgy jobs, some even had the cheek to put up a sign board but I now have a new theory. These rough as fook jobs are indicative of how all on the job treat the repairs in hand and will do a repair to roughly the same standard as the scaffolding. I know it's nothing to do with the scaffolding but if they can't make sure that's anywhere near half descent how the hell are they going to show enough diligence to ensure they really do fix that chimney head or whatever.

Just a theory I developed when driving under an archway that was scaffolded for about 6 months and the arch was spanned by beams trannied on the bottom chord, that wasn't the only fault but certainly the most laughable. Anyway, the scaffold is down maybe a couple of months and the render looks like it will be off before Valentines day.:eek:
£700 for the front and back , it aint worth getting stressed over these small jobs , if you need them to keep going then fair enough but be prepared to work for nothing
Your right Phil but it's jobs that size that got me going and I hate the fact we now struggle to do them at a rate that is acceptable to all. I know this is idealistic but when I first started I reckoned I was doing the construction industry around here a favour as I could make quality scaffolds available to all whatever your budget.:embarrest:

Now I have to tell potential clients, well if you want it now it is going to cost you but next Thursday I am going down that way anyway and can do it for half the price if you can wait.

Hardly a way to run a business but it's where I am with the smaller stuff. The bigger higher profile stuff takes care of itself but only because it's a legal requirement we would be the first subbie to get cut if they could.
100% right AOM and the small work is where we all start and are glad to win , trouble is if you have a gang earning good money on a big job its very hard to take them of it and put them on a job that only covers wages and diesel .
I have had to make hard decisions a few times when i have become overloaded with work as to which work we keep and which work we let go , i have lost a couple of good customers because we have been so bogged down with work.
Maybe it's just the natural order of things, never really thought about it that way before. I would just hate to be accused of forgetting where I came from.
what u all monin about the job goes up work gets done job comes down happy days
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