How many S.C.C.R members

As I PM'd you it normally takes 28 days for jacket & t'shirts (as stated on the shop) but you did not give me your size & region until last week.

The SCCR cannot hold stock. Otherwise that £10 membership would be going a long, long way!!

I have ask for a delivery date to me, as soon as I have this I will let you know.

Regards Stewart
Ideal Allen you have put yourself forward for manufacturing all our needs!!

After all the embroidered logo should not take long to sew in!!:nuts:

Good job
The boy won't wear the hoodie now you have taken the p*ss!!

So I will try & get one of me in on a wide angle.

Could take a few days!! :wondering:

Or Swifty could take a pic of him in his!!!
:bigsmile:I always thought you were older than that Allan.

You must struggle on your scaffstep:bigsmile:
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