how long do you give private customers to pay


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2010
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send a bill to a private customer last month, with payment within 30,days of invoice 5 weeks later he still not payed, phone him and he say got your cheque hear, you are a bit keen he say. so i tell him if he when to tool hire shop to hire a tower he would pay there and then + a deposit, i thick i was more than fare giveing him a month.
no that payment was too quick couldnt be me
He is taking the piss out of you b-safe1.

If he says he has the cheque then go round and takes it before he stalls any more .

The cheque is better in your account making interest than his .

You have done the work and you expect to get paid , Take it before he stalls any more .
if he has the funds to write a cheque ask for a transfer saves waitin 5 days for a kite to clear
your lucky only 5 weeks some guys owed me £1100 since last december every time i phone same old story cheque in the post threaten him with taking him to small claims court but he knows it wouldn,t be worth the while just have to keep nagging him for it and hope he eventually coughs up
small claims court aint worth a toss mate
b-safe private jobs , payment at least 50% when erected and 50% before it comes down

toppingout never take a private job down till your paid in full . you could always knock on his door with a bat and ask politely for CASH ;)
1100 quids worth???? Take him to court mate..Easy, there is a fee you have to pay the court. Done it a few times,never went to court ,got paid out straight away. I think I had to send a letter giving 7 days to pay or you will see them in court. I think the court have the power to suspend trading. Have a look at what double arms is doing
court can only do that by bankruptcy or winding up order (ltd company) , the bat as phillios has mentioned is usually the best way to get paid
Bit more long winded the that Fred , you have to pay to take put a winding up order which stops them trading ( supposedly ) you get a nice ally bat for £30 and its a lot more effective
You sure about that scaffy?
You can pass the dept on to a collection agency.
I know a good one. Phillioscaff Bat Corps. (kneecap removals a speciality)
no thats what a nailgun is for Fred and you gotta make sure you roll up their trouser legs so it dont get infected
Ha ha Phillio.. so pleased that your worried about a little infection. Do you mean Knockoff kneecap with baseball bat and then re-atatch with nail gun....method statement and risk assessment required?!?!?
Re-erect the scaffold again, don't forget the physical ties, straight through all the windows, when you get paid, strike it. simples.
generic RAMS are fine as long as you wear the appropriate PPE , dem nail guns can be dangerous
all a winding up order does is freeze bank accounts credit lines etc and is designed to preserve the assetts of the company

Phillios and co purveyors of fine baseball bats are the way forward matey or go have a s hit through his letterbox
And there you have your answer toppingout. Dont ya just luv this forum for the quality and free advice lol.
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