How far can I Progress? HELP please

PROGRESS? Sorry mate take that did that tour last year. Pmsl.

Dont run before you can walk !
Eventual with time and by your own endeavors you may well reach the top, however, be nice to the people on the way up, because you will meet them on the way down again...

Been there, done it, wrote the script and back on the Tartan Banners :cool:
lets have a game of how many people can come on this site and take the piss out of our profession and then we encourage them we can not even see when somone is taking the piss no wonder people call scaffolders thick c unts:mad::mad::mad:
ooooh shefscaf
thats a bit cheeky mate...lolo....pinch of salt &all that but u gota remember the site was set up to be helpfull and give advise....who's the mug
the guys that have taken up their own time and effort and offered well meaning advice
or any would be piss takers getting a little gigle outta any prank questions they wanna take the time to place on the forum
personally i think we gotta take any potential newbie or question as valid - however stupid the questions are (unless blatantly a prank) or whats the point of it all.
the only dumb scaffolder is one that allows himself to believe he is..:))
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Don't worry about it, as SP says we take them at face value and when we don't we will become the old boys club. Don't see the fun in it myself.
thanks for all the replies, especially thanks to Jason its much appriciated, although I dont get the plant pots reference ha ha? and shef scaff im really not takin the p iss dont know why you would think i was? and i really dont think scaffys are thick?? all the replies here are thoughtfull and well articulated, i just want to get an experienced opinion on the proffession. Back to jasons comments, the time frame you have give me to do my part one and two seem very long? i really do respect what you say as you have the experience yourself, and it is probably me being totaly naive but i just cant see what there is to learn over ten years in scaffolding? just because to become a dentist it takes 5 years training and pilots train for 7 and they command massive wages? surly if you are shown how to erect scaffolding once or twice it cant be that hard to retain that information? or are there different types of erections and combinations of erections and mathmatical equations to consider when erecting scaffolding? again please dont take this as cheek im not trying to belittle scaffolding im just trying to understand why you give the time frames? im just a person who does not take things at face value without asking a few questions first
thanks for all the replies, especially thanks to Jason its much appriciated, although I dont get the plant pots reference ha ha? and shef scaff im really not takin the p iss dont know why you would think i was? and i really dont think scaffys are thick?? all the replies here are thoughtfull and well articulated, i just want to get an experienced opinion on the proffession. Back to jasons comments, the time frame you have give me to do my part one and two seem very long? i really do respect what you say as you have the experience yourself, and it is probably me being totaly naive but i just cant see what there is to learn over ten years in scaffolding? just because to become a dentist it takes 5 years training and pilots train for 7 and they command massive wages? surly if you are shown how to erect scaffolding once or twice it cant be that hard to retain that information? or are there different types of erections and combinations of erections and mathmatical equations to consider when erecting scaffolding? again please dont take this as cheek im not trying to belittle scaffolding im just trying to understand why you give the time frames? im just a person who does not take things at face value without asking a few questions first
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