hard times

i jacked a good job in over similar circumstances,the gaffer had me working with his son who was a smackhead would go missing for hours more than likely to jack up,fell down a ladder access cos he was out of his head and was effing useless to be honest,mentioned it to his old man who did nothing as he wanted him to stay in work cos he was on probation so i told him to ram his job,gutted as well cos it was a blue book job with plenty of hours on it,but i couldn't carry on working with he would either hurt me cos he didn't know what he was doing or i would punch his head in got out before either happened,heard the lads got an advanced card now and is putting jobs up on his own with men under him and he's still as bad,only been in the game 3 years and knows absolutely nothing.on the other hand my old man had a firm when i first started,treat me like a dog always balling at me,worked over most nights for no extra coin the list goes on,at the end of the day though it made me the scaff i am today,i like to think i know what i'm doing and have a good work ethic etc,that young lad sounds like a right spoilt brat,he'll end up waltzing through life on his dads hard work and when he takes over the firm he will be a right c-nt with the lads
get shot and get someone better it causes to much grief with sort of lads.................

the only time i see them rush is when its time to go home and you cant beleive its the same guy
well said doublearm hope you smash some lumps up today mate lol,absoloutley smash that meterage in bet you turn £200 before the sheep get out.
yeh i know i must be mad to suffer it. only time will tell i hope

---------- Post added at 07:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:23 PM ----------

Use your camera phone and when you got enough evidence Blackmail the little sh*t

not a bad idea

---------- Post added at 07:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:25 PM ----------

kick him in the fooking chin

would love to short ass fat little f****r
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