hard times


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2010
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what to do. i have recently been put with the bosses son who is a total waste of space, i mean he will turn up every day without fail but then when you actually get on site absolutely useless. dont like walking gear, cant stand long up even after being in the job for 3 years, wants to check his facebook messages every 5 mins what the hell do you do. i have spoke to the boss about it but all i get from him is my son is nothing like that.
Send him back to the yard next time his on his phone, your boss can check the phone & see it was used!! :rolleyes:
everytime he is using his phone take a pic build up a album then send them daddy.
iv not a clue about how to go about dealing with this dilemma of yours mate so tomorrow id go on site wait to he checks his facebook messages take the phone off of him,then GOOGLE "how to deal with a lazy non-trier who is incompetant at his job and is never off his phone and thinks daddy will always make his life easy by putting him with guys who will cover his lazy arse"then hand him back the phone if that dont buck him up then youll just have to resort to the old methods lol.BEST OF LUCK HEMPER.
find out his facebook username/page and lets see how many scaffs we can get to tell the **** he's a waste of space
My Son works with me, he never has any credit on his phone from Mon till Thurs, so he grafts then, however, once he is paid, allways ill with the drink on a Fri morning and on the phone.

I cant say much though, i am allways ill with the drink on a Monday, especially if we win the Mackems again today, game on Howay the Toon:D
hemper, whats the matter wi yi Man---tell the bam ti get his sel ti feck---no passangers you should know the scrip and so should your Boss, the bam's making a monkey oot of both of yis...
if i were u id tell ur boss u wont work with the kid.
my dads the gaffer and i used to be exactly the same as the kid u mention, i used to dip every other day n turn up late!! i used to get swopped from site to site n wen i asked why he said it was cos none of the other lads wouldnt work wiv me!!
That soon shaped up n now its me that wont work wiv half the other lazy *****...

Iv heard that theres a firm near me in leeds that the boss has got his daughter on the tools. Not met her but shes supposed to be a good grafter!!!
Am i just been narrow minded but i didnt think there were many female scaffs about?
Lol belive it or not worked with at least 3(they were the ones who owned up)all have been ok.
fookin graft him little sh!t if the boss is saying that then dont tell the son and get daddy out on the sly let him see it 4 himself i hate bosses sons theres nothing worse or just tw@t him
Theres two ways to look at that hemper, if the boss wants his son to stay in the buisness then hes put him with you to learn the right way which is a compliment to you. But if he dont want him to stay in the buisness hes put him with you to piss him off, that sounds like a free ticket to kick him in the fooking chin.
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