
I built a Hanger off the edge of the Empire State Building last week... 2 handed, Saturday morning job.
Pulled up the gear on a lightline and then dropped down 87 floors.

Just Sleeved onto the Droppers - without Splicing.
It was ok though as we sruck it on the ground after it slipped out the Sleeve! :p

On the strike it must have been a Bast4rd pulling the gear back up so you could bring it down in the lift though?

---------- Post added at 02:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:41 AM ----------

I asked an engineer this and he said NO.. its the same strength each time..... 6.1, 6.1, 6.1 etc ...sooooo what is the truth...

Or if you have a meaty sgb mk3 or class b ..its something like 9.0 kn each time..

Your Engineer would be correct.
SGB Mk3a was a 12.5kN fitting but I guess thats now a 12.2kN fitting.
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I heard , a man who decided to commit suicide by jumping off the top of empire state building,having lept off the 89th floor was blown thru an open window on the 83rd. Was thinking it might have been one of the scaffs couldnt face the 'strike'. that Alan just mentioned.:amazed::D
I would say the engineer, what do I know. Still think they reduce in value but leave it to the designers.

Morning AOM
there is a distinct lack of information on “Supplementary Couplers” at the moment all the books tell you to consult with the Manufacturer for information. Manufacturers to my knowledge do not test banked fitting (certainly not in China) The last tests I recall was at SGB in the very early 70’s when B&P were tested banked up for both tension joints in standards and as Supplementary coupler and the tests showed no decline in the coupler value.
During my time in the industry it has been standard for Engineers/Designers to take the full value of the coupler every time.
There is an age old adage though that say “If in doubt double it” works for me but not always the most cost effective solution
Alan i was always taught " If in dont stick another one in " Regards braces , ties , and check fittings
Morning AOM
there is a distinct lack of information on “Supplementary Couplers” at the moment all the books tell you to consult with the Manufacturer for information. Manufacturers to my knowledge do not test banked fitting (certainly not in China) The last tests I recall was at SGB in the very early 70’s when B&P were tested banked up for both tension joints in standards and as Supplementary coupler and the tests showed no decline in the coupler value.
During my time in the industry it has been standard for Engineers/Designers to take the full value of the coupler every time.
There is an age old adage though that say “If in doubt double it” works for me but not always the most cost effective solution

Funny how there seems very little test data around for so much of what we do now you would think it would be the opposite with all the regulations we work under, have people just suddenly realised the cost of testing and now refusing to share or do the Indians and chinks just think we have to take their word for it.

Either way, I'm happy enough just to do what ever I am told to be honest.
Alan i was always taught " If in dont stick another one in " Regards braces , ties , and check fittings

It is what I was taught when I first started and has never let me down!!

---------- Post added at 10:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:14 AM ----------

Funny how there seems very little test data around for so much of what we do now you would think it would be the opposite with all the regulations we work under, have people just suddenly realised the cost of testing and now refusing to share or do the Indians and chinks just think we have to take their word for it.

Either way, I'm happy enough just to do what ever I am told to be honest.

There was a time when SGB used to carry out product tests in the old Williow Lane site in Mitcham but as with all these things they were carrying the cost of testing for the industry so eventually got tired of it and stopped.
Manufacturers must surely still test their products surely or how do they manage to write their user manuals? They tell me Generation still does it, that's why some of their components now come out stronger than gb's cup lock.
Manufacturers must surely still test their products surely or how do they manage to write their user manuals? They tell me Generation still does it, that's why some of their components now come out stronger than gb's cup lock.

Some do AOM; however some of the tests and the interpretation of their results oftern leave a lot to be desired.
As far as I am aware Gen do not manufacture they buy in from the same importers as I get my kit from.
Yeah sorry, I know they are all buying from the same source however they do go local where they can for things like loading bay gates. Do you not rate their results then Alan?
Yeah sorry, I know they are all buying from the same source however they do go local where they can for things like loading bay gates. Do you not rate their results then Alan?

I have seen some results that don't accurately reflect the spirit or the intention of the test.
I have seen tests performed by manufacturers and the results “overlooked”
I have also been victim of products designed, tested and checked by "Reputable" suppliers and manufacturers that have turned out to be p1ss poor product that have proved to be a danger to the industry and the people using them.
So yes I have a tainted view but I have the years to back my scepticism.
I dropped a hundred foot down a well in leamington so they could gunite the inside walls.it was all lifts boarded and I used sticky willy doubles hanging long down from the hand rail and ledgers with check fittings everywhere.to be honest it bored the t its off me but it hung there like a big pendulum.it was just as boring to strike as well...oh and not a design,method statement or risk assessment in site just a methane gas mask hanging round me neck...ah they were the days...
Wouldn't dare doubt it Alan, just surprised in these times we live in that they can get away with that attitude.
Morning AOM
It shocks me as well but for the last year I have been dealing with the consequence’s of catastrophic product failure due to poor manufacture and poor product checking by a UK based manufacturer. It is OK blaming the Chinese and Indians for poor product but it starts a lot nearer home than many think.
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