
I can understand the recommendation for using doubles on the stop ends bot why is it not then recommended to stick 5fts on doubles on the return ledgers,if they are saying that stop ends can slip then surely its the same for the ledgers carrying the lift.

A well raied point---this is where Component selection comes in to play---I use Mills'z Doubles for returns and indeed where the Standard, Ledger and Transom Node Point intersect.

Dog Leg Bracing may take the the place of a Double, all be it that the Slip Test is slightly Lower that a Double in some Types, if it is not a working lift Ledger Bracing could be an alternative---OR use a Wrap over Single, which I understand is the only One Bloted Single that has the Slip Test Rating of a Double, with the exeption of the SGB Hook.

On Putlog scaffolds, all corner stds have to be double to double, however if you did this on Independent without a Mills 90, the boards be a right Jumblyfuck.
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