Had Enough!


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2010
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Sitting here just thinking about my life
And you know what dreading going to
Work tomorrow!
I run own company but the fun has been
Taken out of this game and to many foreigners
Are in it!
Feel like selling up and moving on with my
Know How You Feel Porter, I Get Hacked Off With All The Petty Bull That We Never Had To Do Twenty Years Ago, But We Have To Now,(You See I Hate Officialdom) Why Do Govt Or For That Matter Local Authorities Need So Much Information On You?
How bigs your company porter, surely a few weeks off is needed then see how you feel
It's all stress running your own firm try and keep calm porter lets hope thing get better for you soon
Dont listen to em m8...just pack up, sell all ur kit & use the cash to take a year out,then the rocknroll for another till suitibly rested then come back on the grid,pick up ur spanner & turn it for someone else letting them av all the worry & shiit while u pic up a swift £150 a day for 6hrs graft. Or u could always give urself a slap, stop feelin sorry for urself & knuckle down like the person you once where having the gonads to start ur own company in the 1st place.

Ps if u take the 1st option can i buy ur boads cheep;)
Good advice SP infact best I've seen in a while mate ;) the bit about having the bollox to start is spot on I have huge respect for ppl like urself, aom, phil and porter for example simply because I would crack at the first hurdle in truth

Again good luck port mate hard decision hope it works our for ya mate
Opened up today for 4 men not to turn up!
Had job which had to be done today so
Me and my partner loaded the lorry and
Of we went! Job finished by 12 and done
A strike on way home!
And you know what fuxxxxx loved being
Out there just doing our own thing!
Maybe just go back to the pair of us and
Have no stress of relying on men cos its
Them that get me down! Beg you for work
And weekends then when you book the
Jobs in they dont turn up!
Proper pisses me off!
Stay in there porter, you need a couple of decent guys you can rely on pal NOT let down merchants who cause you extra grief bud. Good luck
Whats happening out there. Didnt seem that long ago,work was scarce,moaning about poles taking jobs,now blokes just not turning up. Who'de be a boss??? Hang in there porter.
I don't no the Age group of your staff but I think you need family men with a mortgage or rents where they need to earn money other wise you get **** artists that don't turn up
Dont listen to em m8...just pack up, sell all ur kit & use the cash to take a year out,then the rocknroll for another till suitibly rested then come back on the grid,pick up ur spanner & turn it for someone else letting them av all the worry & shiit while u pic up a swift £150 a day for 6hrs graft. Or u could always give urself a slap, stop feelin sorry for urself & knuckle down like the person you once where having the gonads to start ur own company in the 1st place.

Ps if u take the 1st option can i buy ur boads cheep;)

if he dosent take potion 1 ill come work for ya for 160 a day for 6 hours :laugh::laugh:
Lol mara & nice try but i said get a job for £150 a day but that doesnt mean wiv me lol...i thought £150 was avarage for A tickets & ex bosses wiv loads of experiance to give lol...but there again i've had pt1s demanding £140s
Lo mate I know how you are feeling at the mo and if no one who as been in that position cannot even imagine how you feel, I had over 15 men at my peak and all this was is fifteen more headaches plenty of no shows Monday morning plenty wanting overtime Saturdays,you do not owe anybody a living apart from yourself, I got to the stage where all I was is a revenue raiser and not a earner, by far this is no easy decision it took me 2 years to let go and was quite sad within myself until I woke up one morning finding myself with a bucket full of lifetime problems to having nothing to do and all with all day to do it in.my advice get rid take a job and just keep taking the easy wage packet, if your a ltd company then only you know what to do,i didn't stood firm and settled my dews with vat hmrc but most of all my men, in total this came to 198.000 how could anyone go to sleep with this milestone around their neck,when I was took ill with stress this made my mind up,like I said only you can make that decision but always remember this stress kills and your a long time dead I wish you all the best buddy but if its on the back of your mind its there for a reason good luck scc
Did they get it?

Not wiv me but reckoned someone else was gonna....trouble was he didnt realise how small the scaffolding world is i know who he went on for as well as the £110 & loads of promises ;)
Porter it aint easy thats for sure , we all have no shows at times its the way it is mate.
I once had 2 lads not turn up on a Saturday for a big strike and it left the rest of the gang under a lot of extra pressure , so a couple of weeks later i booked them in for an easy shift on a Saturday and i stayed in bed when they phoned me at 6.30 to see why the yard was locked i said sorry i didnt fancy it LOL they got the message ;)
Porter it aint easy thats for sure , we all have no shows at times its the way it is mate.
I once had 2 lads not turn up on a Saturday for a big strike and it left the rest of the gang under a lot of extra pressure , so a couple of weeks later i booked them in for an easy shift on a Saturday and i stayed in bed when they phoned me at 6.30 to see why the yard was locked i said sorry i didnt fancy it LOL they got the message ;)

Horrible ****!!!!....... Good one that tho :laugh:
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