going back on bad work

Scaff22 and guys,
You are so right. Ive been in the game for over 30 years, started in the yard and was in there for over a year, if you couldnt perform in the yard you could not get out with a gang. Loading and offloading trailers by handball no fork lift them days too expensive. What you learnt in the yard was how to handle tube, boards and fittings and get some practice in topping out with long all b4 you escaped from the yard into the big world. Oh yes, good experience firstly in the yard was the key. Laying out the gear for the scaffs came easy but if I got 1 single that didnt work it came right back down, target practice for the scaffs was my head or even worse my new Donkey Jacket !!. Pulling long and 13ft boards up 100ft all day on a rope and wheel was the way it was part of your grunnie learning bit. After 3 years I got a pay rise (10 bob a week extra) as an improver, then onto basic then advanced CITB. Went on the CITB advanced Inspectors course (Rip off and paid for out of our own sky rockets) but needed it. Only me and my mate were scaffs the rest were QA/QC, HSE, Clerks and other non related trades. Their course, transport and accom was paid for by their company. One of them was a woman (nothing against that) but she was scared of heights along with a guy who did not go on the hanger, guess what they both passed (corporate money springs to mind here)

Guess what, now looking for a job.....brill in it !!!

Keep safe.

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