Getting old


Well-known member
May 1, 2010
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Bristol / New Zealand
Im 46 years old and been scaffolding for 26 of those years and i can still run rings round the younger guys they just can't keep up with gear and can't do the hours , dont want to work past half four ,want to sit in the truck and play games on there phones for a hour a lunch !When i was labouring we had to keep up with the scaffolders , pherhaps we've all gone a bit soft or we are not teaching them they same way ??
same here they just don't want to do fek all as soon as they get to work they are talking about finishing early and seem to spend more time on facebook I try to tell them the best way to reduce manual handling and have come to the conclusion that I get more entertainment watching them bust their balls off doing it the hard way their idea of striking is to launch gear everywhere fittings scattered like a mine field boards just dropped from where lifted and tube like a kaplunk game I tell them carry the gear around on the lift round to back and all I get is fek that let the dog sort it out personally iam not in the mind of walking one mans legs off especially on a muddy site so I just leave them to their own devices which are shyte and with tickets being dished out like free sweats from training schools you don't only have to watch your back you have to watch whats above you and one of the young guns who comes to our site as the misfortune of having to catch the bus to work because of the simple fact he thinks that he should be picked up and taken home with out having to put his hand in his pocket to contribute towards the old catwiesel and most nights I drive passed him at the bus stop and give him a pip on the old horn smile and wave and snigger to myself as he is stood their with his belt still on,love it
same here they just don't want to do fek all as soon as they get to work they are talking about finishing early and seem to spend more time on facebook I try to tell them the best way to reduce manual handling and have come to the conclusion that I get more entertainment watching them bust their balls off doing it the hard way their idea of striking is to launch gear everywhere fittings scattered like a mine field boards just dropped from where lifted and tube like a kaplunk game I tell them carry the gear around on the lift round to back and all I get is fek that let the dog sort it out personally iam not in the mind of walking one mans legs off especially on a muddy site so I just leave them to their own devices which are shyte and with tickets being dished out like free sweats from training schools you don't only have to watch your back you have to watch whats above you and one of the young guns who comes to our site as the misfortune of having to catch the bus to work because of the simple fact he thinks that he should be picked up and taken home with out having to put his hand in his pocket to contribute towards the old catwiesel and most nights I drive passed him at the bus stop and give him a pip on the old horn smile and wave and snigger to myself as he is stood their with his belt still on,love it

given out like free sweets couldnt put it beter steelcitycowboy:laugh: unfortunatly the young guns havent or will never witness the days when scaffolders were scaffolders the games more like a xmas panto these days used to go home and still be buzzing for 2 hours untill your body settled down you took your overalls off for tea break in the winter and you had steam comeing off you like a kettle where you were so hot!! now most young scaffolders not all want a plaster for there finger where theve been on facebook or texing:laugh:
Im 46 years old and been scaffolding for 26 of those years and i can still run rings round the younger guys they just can't keep up with gear and can't do the hours , dont want to work past half four ,want to sit in the truck and play games on there phones for a hour a lunch !When i was labouring we had to keep up with the scaffolders , pherhaps we've all gone a bit soft or we are not teaching them they same way ??
Sign of the times mate.
All apart from a small handful are lazy little sods these bays.
Nothing left to say lads , except that they will never experience the way things where good and bad as them days are gone and with it all the crack :sad:

[ame=]Queen - These Are The Days Of Our Lives - YouTube[/ame]
Arh maximus truly a pleasure listening to the legendary queen his words kinda sums it up really days of our lives but yes we was happy and we knew if you had a belt on it was earnt its not about experience now its about how many tickets you have bought from fly by night training schools who couldn't give a to55 as long as they get your money bring back on site assessment and if you don't make the grade don't call us we will call you,and if cisrs is about health an safety why do they say you will get through,what on your own merit no we will keep you back resit you when there is no one here if you get it wrong and I know this to be fact the good old days of bircham are not up held anymore and nasc should hold their heads down in shame letting this shambles go on but if you have the money and meet profit an margins they don't give a hoot what goes on nasc are nothing but a monopoly on the scaffolding core
The good old days are now gone. These youngsters get molly coddled now they go running to the gaffa if you bully them, as said before there more intrested in their phones and home time. But the biggest **** take is when you have your break lets say half our or 40 mins, and they decide to go to the toilet as your going back to graft the amount of rare ups i've had about that well lets say i could write a book about it.

These kids dont know there fecking born.
You do find the very odd gem amongst them Den , but on the whole they are useless and the sad thing is its not all their fault just the way they been taught , you still coming down on the 7th Den ?
Yes mate, im booking my tickets in the morn at the station.

I bet your boys get some greif off you then phil, no slacking with you.
lo 80ty keeping well we have a few of them just about to load up and you can set your clock by them just going forra shyte if you had a clock face and on that clock face the time reads 8o,graft time you could bet their watch says 10 ta shyte time lazy feckers ,oh and just as you put the last tube on they turn up all consciences is there owttelse we need too feckin late they must fill the thunder box 6 times over for the amount of time they are sat on their or wear the handbrake lever out on the thunder box good mind to ratchet strap the bharsterds in the thunder box an push it over let them have someone elses shyte because iam sick of theirs
Have to agree. Last site I had 30 different scaffolders working with me at one time or another. 1 in 10 were alright. Monday club was a favourite. Girlfriend/wife left me/pregnant/had a row/slept with me mate./car won't start/stolen/flat tyre (what no spare)dog died/nan died (third time that year!) Hungover/want to leave early so won't be coming in? and don't get me started on phones.
Yes it's amazing how many grandparents some of these lads have,they always seem to pass away on a Sunday and or Thursday on a fairly regular basis.
Forget these young ones....i know im getting old cos im making strange grunting and moaning noises and thats just putting my socks on. Putting my boots on im puffing and panting like a prostitutes client.
49 still going strong.

Don't want to play the same record but the way the training is does not help the way we work.

Most young lads I have trained do not want to break their backs to get the job done. We have done that for years to try & earn money to get the job done!!!

Things are tight enough as they are, without trainees wanting breaks & wee stops!!!!

Work takes longer now & the price is tighter than ever.

49 still going strong.

Don't want to play the same record but the way the training is does not help the way we work.

Most young lads I have trained do not want to break their backs to get the job done. We have done that for years to try & earn money to get the job done!!!

Things are tight enough as they are, without trainees wanting breaks & wee stops!!!!

Work takes longer now & the price is tighter than ever.


Hi mate why would you want to break your back to get a job done?.

I think sometimes people dont realise what scaffolding actually does to your body mainly your back is it really worth it over a job?

A fair days work for a fairs day pay no need to run around like a super scaff
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Pun on words, break their back would mean put effort in.

When I started you would get beaten to a pulp if you did not get the job done now things are a lot different!!

Things take a lot longer, used to catch a 5ft from 5 lifts now pass it one!!

Used to carry 4 13ft boards as a standard now lucky if they can carry two.

Things change but the effort is not the same. It is unusual to get a trainee who will do the extra miles.

Only those who have been in the game for twenty years pluss will know what I mean!!!

Pun on words, break their back would mean put effort in.

When I started you would get beaten to a pulp if you did not get the job done now things are a lot different!!

Things take a lot longer, used to catch a 5ft from 5 lifts now pass it one!!

Used to carry 4 13ft boards as a standard now lucky if they can carry two.

Things change but the effort is not the same. It is unusual to get a trainee who will do the extra miles.

Only those who have been in the game for twenty years pluss will know what I mean!!!


I know what you mean mate when i started out it was the same needless to say by my early 20,s my back was fuc-ked.

This game has changed a lot in the last 10 years some for the bad but some for the good.

No one should feel they have to carry 4 13 ft boards to get a job done if that is the case there is far to much pressure being put on the squad mate.

And as for catching 5 ft,s from 5 lifts we have all done it but really is there a place for it now in 2013 ?
I know where your coming from ragscaff. Thats how i was taught, but trying to pass thst on to these youngsters is a fecking nightmare. When i tell them about how we scaffed years ago all i get is yeah like fuuck you'd get me to do that.
Your all getting to be Grumpy old gits.

When I started our generation got same whinging from scaff old codgers.

Live with it some will come good others will never.

Nobodys Perfect.

Fellas,sometimes Im a G.O.G. so my remedy is have some sherberts at hand and order a chinky takeaway they relieve Tension & stress .
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