Unfortunatley Its Happening Far More Frequently Now, Especially The Middle To Larger Sized Companies Who Seem To Think Smaller Sized Companies Like Me Dont Need To Be Paid In A Hurry,
I text a guy once saying go round and get the debt and don't leave until he pays one way or another.....sent it to him accidentally on purpose....needless to say after he had a few sleepless nights he paid all the money.
New a bloke who a builder owed money to , he found out where he lived and knocked on his door one evening with a 14lb sledge hammer , builder wernt long paying him :laugh:
Had 2 jobs this week where builders were doing
There best not to pay me despite the phone calls
And promises! What I did was visit the sites and
Kicked all men of the job then phoned customer and
Told them what I had done and was not letting anyone
Back on the job till I was paid! One transferred money
Into account in 10 mins and other turned up with cash!
Will defo be using this tactic in future as realised there's
Nothing worse for a builder than to have men on site being paid but
Not working! Have to be a nasty **** but it gets the result!