Gear in this loading bay

I thought sway braces were suposed to be installed as close as possible to 45? not look like a ledger thats

True, my God it annoys me so much I have to put sways in across 2 bays. It's not even the damn right way to do it! 2 bays both ways!! And even then it's only required on high jobs.

Ah what do I know.
Hate that myself Flinty, despite what I said on the other thread I was thinking about just that today as I inspected one of my jobs I was thinking it looked quite tidy but only had the single sway in it at 45 degrees but as we have seen from many designed jobs the 45 degree thing is long gone and we have a lot more choice at what angle the brace goes in at now. For me it's a 10 foot single sway all day long.
If you're lucky I'll take a pic of our loading bays this week, show you what goes into a standard 13' bay....
That'll be cool, Jay mate. :)

That monster staircase was basically 16ftx16ft and had 42 Standards and 300+ Doubles per lift, lol.
We now have to do them like this like you say 4 standard and braced right up our trannis work a bit diffrent thow the standards have to be right on the ends of the boards 3 with in the lenght of the band then about 250 another 3 with in the lenght of a band 250 again then another 3 the 1 right in middle and the next bit is same as first works out when ya get ya pallet s on 3 trannies support each side of the block and its only and there only tagged for 10kn wtf

Morning Scaff
Is your scaffold tagged 10kN or is it tagged 10kN/m2?
If it's the latter then a 4m x 4m tower as pictured above would need to be capable of supporting 160kN or 16tonne.
I would guess that the pictured scaffold above is a 10kN scaffold. If its on a housing site you will get pallets of bricks which are around 900 square and weigh 10kN which would equate to 12.4kN/m2 Tubs of muck will come in again at arount 10kN.
Dependant on how the platform is loaded it is not to hard to overload the fitting connection at ledger to standard. If the grid is 1.2x1.2 x 10kN+0.25Kn for boards and imposed the imposed load would be 14.76kN as this load may be applied by mechanical means this load needs to be designed for a 25% impact factor = 18.5kN devide this by the SWL of a fitting would require 3 fittings per location.

I do have to say the bracing looks sh1t
Morning Scaff
Is your scaffold tagged 10kN or is it tagged 10kN/m2?
If it's the latter then a 4m x 4m tower as pictured above would need to be capable of supporting 160kN or 16tonne.
I would guess that the pictured scaffold above is a 10kN scaffold. If its on a housing site you will get pallets of bricks which are around 900 square and weigh 10kN which would equate to 12.4kN/m2 Tubs of muck will come in again at arount 10kN.
Dependant on how the platform is loaded it is not to hard to overload the fitting connection at ledger to standard. If the grid is 1.2x1.2 x 10kN+0.25Kn for boards and imposed the imposed load would be 14.76kN as this load may be applied by mechanical means this load needs to be designed for a 25% impact factor = 18.5kN devide this by the SWL of a fitting would require 3 fittings per location.

I do have to say the bracing looks sh1t
Many Thanks Alan - a few engineers would charge us for this information.
I thought sway braces were suposed to be installed as close as possible to 45? not look like a ledger thats

lol,excactly what i said when i first saw the design fer these,asusual i ignored the drawing and put me sway on the centre 3 on the front and reversed it on the centre 3 behind,surely stronger and actually doing the job a sway's supposed to do,most gangs on our firm followed suit and was never picked up by any hse,safety officers,site agents etc.,then along comes our snoopervisor and tells us we must do it as per design excactly.
The days of using your experience and know how are coming to an end,will soon have roboscaffs.
morning scaff
is your scaffold tagged 10kn or is it tagged 10kn/m2?
If it's the latter then a 4m x 4m tower as pictured above would need to be capable of supporting 160kn or 16tonne.
I would guess that the pictured scaffold above is a 10kn scaffold. If its on a housing site you will get pallets of bricks which are around 900 square and weigh 10kn which would equate to 12.4kn/m2 tubs of muck will come in again at arount 10kn.
Dependant on how the platform is loaded it is not to hard to overload the fitting connection at ledger to standard. If the grid is 1.2x1.2 x 10kn+0.25kn for boards and imposed the imposed load would be 14.76kn as this load may be applied by mechanical means this load needs to be designed for a 25% impact factor = 18.5kn devide this by the swl of a fitting would require 3 fittings per location.

I do have to say the bracing looks sh1t

cheers alan its defo only 10kn so what your saying is 1 pallet of blocks . We use the sliding gates on them so they get two pallets of block/bricks or 1 pallet and tub of muck wacked on them so by the sound of it its overloaded by 100% with two pallets of bloocks ........still dosent seem to move maby gaffer taged it as 10kn just to cover his own bk side ill get a pic of our an post them on here but like you said if it were to b 1.2 m a standard it would need to be checked twice to hold 10m2 ours are only checked the 1's abnd for it to be more than 10kn would need to be checked twice does that make sence to you lol
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