Gateshead rocket

Scaff step no good on ten foot lifts,all lifts at floor levels is usually just under ten foot.they must be using dummy lifts if they are putting in advance guard rails.I bet it's a rite pain. I think I would try to set inertia reels up out the windows or somethin,then you wouldn't need the advance g-rail.from what I can see it looks like there doin a good job.
Cheeky Bugger

We've never struggled to get hands (whether they can do the job is another matter), if it comes to it I'll bring my spanners out of retirement.

We're nearly ready to start coming out of the windows at the Rocket - these are the jobs you tell your grand-bairns about.

thAt made me chuckle titch if your scaffolding is as scary as your driving in a wagon would be good to work with you haha

Well have the lads made it to the top for xmas??????????

Did you get a good xmas bonus??????

Or was it tickets to see a newcastle football team panto

We are not allowed to start sheeting until we
1. Are instructed how many ties/m² the airflow needs and
2. the Design Engineer passes off the scaffolding.

Its all very frustrating.
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