Gas Electric Prices


May 2, 2010
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West Yorkshire
Is now the time to Re Nationalise the energy suppliers for our Gas and Electricity?
Or run them as non profit making organisations?

Back in 1986 we were promised a market where competition and diverse suppliers would result in cheaper gas and electricity with more investment for the future.

Prices are at an all time high and if nothing is done will continue to rise. The “big six” are talking about investment needed of £200bn in the next few years to be added to our bills. What happened to the ethos of investing profits back into a business…and make no mistake they are making ££ BILLIONS ££

Of the big six companies only two are UK owned
Centrica and Scottish and Southern Energy
German owned E.on and RWE N Power
French owned EDF
Spanish owned (Iberdrola) Scottish Power

They have between them over 4,000 tariffs, and their charges and billing systems are designed to be as complicated as possible to confuse us the customer.
There should be one peak charge and one off peak charge per Kwh applied across the whole of the UK for domestic users

When challenged on prices they always say it is the wholesale prices that are driving up charges, I agree. What they do not admit is that they (big six) control the wholesale prices through other companies in their groups and in effect are“selling” and “buying” to themselves.
There is NO competition between them, why compete on a monopoly.

Our so called Government are not interested in our old folk suffering from hyperthermia for fear of the bills. Or families being driven into debt by the tactics of these greedy scum that are only concerned with their share price and year end bonus.”Our Government” are making £billions a year from corporate Taxes and the ever present VAT we have to pay.

From Privatisation to Transco (part of BG plc)
On 24 August 1986, the privatisation process started when the assets of the British Gas Corporation were transferred to British Gas plc, then owned entirely by the Government. In November 1986, shares in British Gas plc were offered for sale on the stockmarket and trading in British Gas shares commenced on 8th December 1986. During the 1989/90 financial year British Gas plc re-organised into three separate business units - Gas Business in Great Britain, Exploration and Production and Global Gas. By 1991 the 12 regions had been re-organised into 91 districts covering the whole of Britain. The Gas Business in Great Britain underwent further restructuring in 1994 when five Business Units were established :-
· Transco, responsible for transporting and storage of gas;
· Public Gas Supply, the domestic market;
· Business Gas, for supplies over 2,500 therms p.a.;
· Service ; and
· Retail;
E&P and Global continued to operate in international markets. British Gas plc made a number of organisational changes during the early 1990‘s as the industry prepared for increased competition. On 17 February, 1997, British Gas plc demerged into two separate listed companies ; BG plc and Centrica plc.
British Gas‘s transportation and storage business (Transco) and the Exploration and Production (excl. North and South Morecambe gas fields), International Downstream, Research & Technology and Properties business's remained with BG plc. Further internal restructuring in 1999 led to the formation of BG Group with subsidiaries BG Energy Holdings Ltd, BG Transco plc and others.
British Gas‘s Gas Sales and Gas Trading, Services and Retail businesses, together with the gas production business of the North and South Morecambe gas fields were transferred to Centrica.
Just like Petrol companies, Gas and Electric companies are taking the MAJOR piss out of the working man.

But what will our MP's do?
Nothing... as its the big corporations that bankroll our government.

All we can do is bend over and take a pounding up our arse.
Also, we're expected to smile about it. :mad:
Maybe our Politicians should work for minimum wage?
They dont deserve to be on about £85,000 a year and all the other perks they get like the: £40,000 in expenses and god knows how much in *'political contributions'?
*Political contributions = MASSIVE backhanders.
Right, I will duck before I get a load of abuse but they said on the BBC that on average, the energy companies were making a profit of about £130 quid a customer on an average bill of around £1400. I don't want to pay these prices as much as the next man but less than a 10% profit margin doesn't seem that excessive to me?

It is not like petrol where the companies and the goverment are taking a HUGE cut!
Do not take any notice of the SH*TE the big six and ofgem dish out

Look at the bottom line (PROFITS) that the big six return year on year.
They are making £££Billions£££ from a monopoly

What method was used to find the "AVERAGE"

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In mathematics, an average, or central tendency[1] of a data set is a measure of the "middle" value of the data set. Average is one form of central tendency. Not all central tendencies should be considered definitions of average.
There are many different descriptive statistics that can be chosen as a measurement of the central tendency of the data items. These include arithmetic mean, the median and the mode. Other statistical measures such as the standard deviation and the range are called measures of spread and describe how spread out the data is.
An average is a single value that is meant to typify a list of values. If all the numbers in the list are the same, then this number should be used. If the numbers are not the same, the average is calculated by combining the values from the set in a specific way and computing a single number as being the average of the set.
The most common method is the arithmetic mean but there are many other types of central tendency, such as median (which is used most often when the distribution of the values is skewed with some small numbers of very high values, as seen with house prices or incomes).[2]

The three most common averages are the Pythagorean means -- the arithmetic mean, the geometric mean, and the harmonic mean.
this is why i put a wood burner in a couple of years ago burn all my old boards save loads on heating
The ones that can least afford it also pay the highest tarrifs as well. They have to have top up keys.Why??Cos they cant afford 3 monthly payments.
But surely profit is what is left once all the wages etc etc have been paid... so how much are their top blokes earning? And do they get bonuses? (lol I should ask Roger this stuff... if anyone knows, he would!!)
But surely profit is what is left once all the wages etc etc have been paid... so how much are their top blokes earning? And do they get bonuses? (lol I should ask Roger this stuff... if anyone knows, he would!!)

I guess it's not clear whether it is gross of net profit.
I'm no economics whizz kid but I always thought in most industries there are competitors. Those competitors compete for customers by offering lower priced deals etc. Funny how it doesn't apply to the energy market.

And while I'm about it, some MP last week was banging on about prices possibly rising even higher to allow all of the energy companies to invest in green fuels and future technology. What other industry would get away with that sort of thing?
Not many.

If we all decided to use new boards that are made of a certain material other than wood, do you think our customers would allow themselves to be forced to pay higher prices to allow us to do it? No fkn chance.

Rant over
It appears that this thread of mine does not deserve to be on the "front Page" I believe S F Admin moved it here because he did not agree with my post.(please read full thread)

If this is the case, it is a very sad day for the Forum

SF Admin has stated that only threads that are off topic will be moved

Although the first few post's were a bit of a joke, Frederick pulled it from the mire and a discussion was developing,wether this would have gone further I do not know,if not I would have liked to see it drop off the 1st page for lack of interest

As gas & electric have always been a cost to my business,office heating and lighting, very large flood lights in yard I though it was something that other members would be concerned about,as is the Government and many people that are in or approaching "fuel Poverty"

It fulfils the criteria spelt out under the "Scaffolders Forum Banner"of being of interest to the scaffolding fraternity

Quote.."The main forum for scaffolders to discuss all aspects of the trade and to view scaffolding hints and tips."

not so much the young lads starting out but to the owners and managers who are having to pay these ever increasing bills
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It appears that this thread of mine does not deserve to be on the "front Page" I believe S F Admin moved it here because he did not agree with my post.(please read full thread)

If this is the case, it is a very sad day for the Forum

SF Admin has stated that only threads that are off topic will be moved

Although the first few post's were a bit of a joke, Frederick pulled it from the mire and a discussion was developing,wether this would have gone further I do not know,if not I would have liked to see it drop off the 1st page for lack of interest

As gas & electric have always been a cost to my business,office heating and lighting, very large flood lights in yard I though it was something that other members would be concerned about,as is the Government and many people that are in or approaching "fuel Poverty"

It fulfils the criteria spelt out under the "Scaffolders Forum Banner"of being of interest to the scaffolding fraternity

Quote.."The main forum for scaffolders to discuss all aspects of the trade and to view scaffolding hints and tips."

not so much the young lads starting out but to the owners and managers who are having to pay these ever increasing bills

First off I would never move a thread that I personally don't agree with.

I couldn't care less whether somebody has a different opinion to me on a FORUM where people are meant to have different opinions. I bet there will be loads of threads where I have put my opinion across that has differed with the majority.

I moved this thread because I thought it was directed at the consumer, not the scaffolding company and therefore deemed it to be off topic.

I don't get why everybody has to always point the finger without even asking me? Anybody can email or PM at anytime.
SF Admin within "

"First off I would never move a thread that I personally don't agree with.

I couldn't care less whether somebody has a different opinion to me on a FORUM where people are meant to have different opinions. I bet there will be loads of threads where I have put my opinion across that has differed with the majority."

Thank you for that assurance

"I moved this thread because I thought it was directed at the consumer, not the scaffolding company and therefore deemed it to be off topic."
(bold type inserted by rigger)

This is the main problem with censorship when there is only one person making the judgement and implimenting the actions.I believe that as well as being in the scaffolding game,the members of this board are also consumers wether in business or as a householder and the thread is relevent

Lastly may I suggest that before you delete or move threads,you take your own advice (below) and contact the poster as to your misgivings on any issues you may have

"I don't get why everybody has to always point the finger without even asking me? Anybody can email or PM at anytime."

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Rigger mate,this is a major topic effecting all our lives, employers and employees alike. These are serious bills coming in. Im quite sure I wouldnt want to be in your shoes juggling the books to be competetive in work tenders and keeping the company running.
The lower paid amongst us also juggling their finances to survive.
Makes you wonder why we had physical combat with other countries when all they had to do was buy our service industry to make us suffer. Look at the Russian and Georgian situation.
Our government may argue they collect hefty chunks of revenue via corparation taxes,and no cost to them for reinvestment/modernisation.
With new technology such as solar power and wind turbines now available it may not be a good idea to renationalise.
I would like to think the selling off of our services is part of a bigger plan,as government funding for solar heating is available,but not sure if their intelligence was that forward thinking.
I could be wrong,but if our nation went solar soon,that would leave foreign investors with a white elephant. We have free electric for ever. Haha as you know our politicians think tank would find a way of heaping misery somewhere along the line.:rolleyes:
SF Admin within "

Thank you for that assurance

"I moved this thread because I thought it was directed at the consumer, not the scaffolding company and therefore deemed it to be off topic."
(bold type inserted by rigger)

This is the main problem with censorship when there is only one person making the judgement and implimenting the actions.I believe that as well as being in the scaffolding game,the members of this board are also consumers wether in business or as a householder and the thread is relevent

Lastly may I suggest that before you delete or move threads,you take your own advice (below) and contact the poster as to your misgivings on any issues you may have

"I don't get why everybody has to always point the finger without even asking me? Anybody can email or PM at anytime."


Ok that's fine I will move this thread to the main section. However it would be impossible and impractical for me to contact every user to explain why I am moving a post. I just have to try and make the best judgement and sometimes I will get it wrong and I am happy to hold up my hands when I do so.
Respect SF Admin

unknown quote
"Making good mistakes is an opportunity to show your courage resolve and character"

only a little storm in a teacup, enjoy your weekend

Best Regards
There is absolutely no way they will re-nationlise the utililities because to many people make too much money and we the taxpayer would have to buy them back for an awful lot more than we received for them.
I'm afraid were stuck with the price rises because like Beer Cigarettes, Petrol etc the Working Class use them so ramp the prices up because we still have to pay.
When Thatcher and Her cronies sold everything off we were in a recession so the Normal Folk couldn't afford to buy shares so the Rich got Richer and we just keep getting shafted.
just put some more monies on the electric keys or paye your bills then your be lovely and warm or do what i did sweat ya dogs danglee bits off all winter and ram your heating up!!! then go bancrupt and the bills free no one needs to be cold lmfao!!
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