It's ok people ranting about the world .. What. About the risk a man takes in business and consequence of failing . Would you guys create a fund for me if I went under .. I suspect not . I think I. May be winning this debate :amazed:
No I'm not swimming in any labour.
he just swims with the laborer
lol thats the thing they will wpork for less than the arage brit to earn a crust but a crust over here is better than the wage they get over there
look at these figure i know its 2004 but you would only have to work 28 hours in the uk to earn a months wage oer in poland a minimumwage for the hole of europe will stop easten europieans coming over
Table 1. National minimum wage (adult rate), 2004, in national currency (gross)*
Belgium Monthly EUR 1,210
Bulgaria Hourly BGN 0.71 (EUR 0.36)
Monthly BGN 120 (EUR 61.43)
Czech Republic Hourly CZK 39.60 (EUR 1.24)
Monthly CZK 6,700 (EUR 210.09)
Estonia Hourly EEK 14.60 (EUR 0.93)
Monthly EEK 2,480 (EUR 158.50)
France Hourly EUR 7.61**
Monthly EUR 1,286.09**
Greece Daily EUR 25.01
Monthly EUR 559.98
Hungary Hourly HUF 305.00 (EUR 1.21)
Daily HUF 2,440 (EUR 9.70)
Weekly HUF 12,000 (EUR 47.68)
Monthly HUF 53,000 (EUR 210.60)
Ireland Hourly EUR 7.00
Latvia Hourly LVL 0.474 (EUR 0.71)
Monthly LVL 80 (EUR 120.26)
Lithuania Hourly LTL 2.95 (EUR 0.85)
Monthly LTL 500 (EUR 144.81)
Malta Weekly MTL 53.88 (EUR 125.89)
Netherlands Monthly EUR 1,264.80
Poland Monthly PLN 860 (EUR 189.98)
Romania Hourly ROL 16,342.44 (EUR 0.40)
Monthly ROL 2,800,000 (EUR 69.12)
Slovakia Hourly SKK 37.40 (EUR 0.93)
Monthly SKK 6,500 (EUR 162.41)
Slovenia Monthly SIT 117,500 (EUR 491.45)
Spain Daily EUR 16.36
Monthly EUR 490.80
UK Hourly GBP 4.85 (EUR 7.14)