Finger Scan (Fire Record)


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2011
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OK guys... here we go...

I am sure many of us have come across the finger scan upon entering and exiting site, which should be used for Fire purposes only?

A large scaffolding company has decided to request the records from all jobs. Some sites have refused, but some have sent the records over to use for payment purposes (which has involved knocking a large number of persons)

Is this now a criminal offense and breach of data protection? Who has broken the law? The scaffolding company, the contractor or both?
It's not just for fire purposes only now is it. It also let's people on and off the job who have actually been inducted and are authorised to be there. UNLESS of course there isn't a physical barrier or gate that opens with said finger print.
You have to ask yourself if it is in fact "knocking" if you are not there for the period you are claiming for and are being paid for the period you are actually there.
It all depends on what you allowed them to do with your data when you signed up for the job.
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