Fat cat bosses of the union


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Oct 30, 2010
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A STAGGERING 37 union barons pocketed more than £100,000 each in pay and perks last year, an explosive report reveals today.
The bonanza is exposed as militant bosses threaten to close thousands of schools, job centres, courts and government departments on Thursday.

Top of the fat-cat pile is Unite's firebrand chief Derek Simpson, who trousered £186,626 in 2009-10.

His package included a £97,027 salary, plus £89,599 in "benefits", according to the report by the TaxPayers' Alliance.

The two school union leaders behind Thursday's strike are also raking it in.

National Union of Teachers general secretary Christine Blower's job is worth £133,871 - while Association of Teachers and Lecturers boss Mary Bousted pocketed £130,749.

Ms Blower's position has a salary of £111,431, plus £22,440 in pension and other benefits.

Incredibly, it is FOUR times the average teacher's £35,000-a-year annual salary.

Loaded ... more union fat-cats
Public and Commercial Services Union firebrand Mark Serwotka - behind a walkout on Thursday by 250,000 civil servants - received £112,634.
Chris Keates of the National Association of Schoolmasters and Union of Women Teachers got £119,984 - while Unison chief Dave Prentis picked up £130,109.

Another mega earner was RMT rail boss Bob Crow who has master-minded a series of strikes.

He picked up £113,011 in pay and perks.

The total pay bill for union barons earning more than £100,000 a year was £4.6million in 2009-10 - up 5.4 per cent on the year before.

Tory MP Dominic Raab said last night: "Fat cat union bosses are increasingly out of touch with reality.

"It is rank hypocrisy for them to be paid six-figure salaries, then instruct their members to forfeit their own pay by participating in strikes the majority don't support."

A TUC spokeswoman said: "This is a predictable attack from a right-wing pressure group.

"Trade unions are among the most democratic organisations in Britain."
We'll all shout,but no one would refuse if opportunity came. £90.000 benefits!!nice
this is obviously out of a tory paper,the same party that is still letting banks that we own give out wages in the millions,as well as bullet proof pensions
the fact that mr raab is saying that teachers etc are going out on a strike that they never voted for is of no fault to the members who took their democratic choice to vote.
it goes for all the people in this country who moan about whoever is in government when they couldnt be arsed to go to thew local school and tick a box.
As Happyhugenoet says it chickenfeed compared to the real fatcats the sherman tankers (bankers) WHO NEARLY BROUGHT THIS COUNTRY TO ITS KNEES, and lumbered us the tax payers alliance with the dept and austerity cuts, why should women have to retire 5 years later and teachers etc lose large amounts of pension rights because of these greedy tossers who are still creaming it off, if it takes closing schools to ram it up the condem's then so be it, this is what democracy is all about......................................................
As Happyhugenoet says it chickenfeed compared to the real fatcats the sherman tankers (bankers) WHO NEARLY BROUGHT THIS COUNTRY TO ITS KNEES, and lumbered us the tax payers alliance with the dept and austerity cuts, why should women have to retire 5 years later and teachers etc lose large amounts of pension rights because of these greedy tossers who are still creaming it off, if it takes closing schools to ram it up the condem's then so be it, this is what democracy is all about......................................................

Yep...The Bankers nearly brought this country to its knee's, but who was running the country at the time?? Yes...if I remember correctly...That would be the Union's sponsered Labour Party...Who revelled in the Tax Income they recieved from the very same bankers and did in fact encourage the risk that the banking institutions undertook through lack of industry control messages in order to keep the coffers rolling in. We are now paying for the Labour Parties irresponsible govermentship with the debt and austerity measures...I suggest you lie the blame for these measures at the Red Party rather the the Blue and Gold, and that my friend is FACT.

As for some public sector worker coming out on strike because they have to actually face the REAL world like the rest of us in the private sector...Well they have NO sympathy from this man...Get on with your fcuking job that you are in most cases overpaid and at least you will have a great pension even if you have to work another 5 years for it...Unlike the rest of us who are gonna be fooked and have to rely on state hand outs in our retirement.
Granted your right pw we all know what party is to blame the same party that opened the borders to every man and his dog who could make provisions to get in the back of a lorry or plead homosexuality that would lead to death by stoning if they were sent back to the country of origin.

So what have the current mob implemented?? apart from putting the deficit burden on you me and the low to middle incomes???

Have they clattered the fat cats and offshore tax havens?? have they fu*k fact.......................................................................
Get a job with the union and get him the real deal.:cheesy:
800 million so india can join the space race,its already in the nuclear race having detonated nuclear warheads.i also recall we are still funding the taliban that is the pakistani army for the slaughter of british troops.
if the condems were actually out to cut the deficit, cut it abroad first.
the whole point of the attacks on the pension system in general is that as in previous tory governments before thay want us all to go private insurance policys so we can give their friends in the financial sector more cash,so they can get more money.
the reason we took so long to get out of recession if we really! are is because the torys fucked up our manufacturing base,and turned us into a service sector economy.the only jobs created are in hamburger stalls.
and cameron has yet to pull out of the eu
I agree with most of what you say Daftscaff but whats done is done . There are to many people working in the public sector and to few in the private sector . Gold plated pensions and very generous holiday entitlement were fine when the public sector jobs paid poorly but they are on a par or are better than private sector . I am not a tory ( I am from Glasgow for crying out loud ) but Labour politicians must hang their heads in shame for financial mess they left and for trying to change the British culture with open door immagration policy .New power stations and investment in alternative power sources are a must no matter the financial situation so hopefully our trade can pull through anymore hard times that come along . If not it could be a Greek tragedy , as for unions they are a necessary evil im affraid .
Just a thought
When the labour party was in power how many strikes did they turn up at and tell the lads "back to work this is not rite" now the other lot are in its "everyone out "
No union should be able to support any Government !!!!!
The working man needs the union at some stage so has to pay his dues if he chooses however that man might not support the labour party so why does his or her money go to them ??????
Have they clattered the fat cats and offshore tax havens?? have they fu*k fact......

Basically going full circle, the Fat Cats nowadays are joined most whole heartedly by The Local Authority Chief Execs and Union Leaders with their 6 figure salaries...The very people who are encouraging public sector workers to strike....Gross Hypocrisy!!
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