End of an era...

Hence why i will never renew my PTS again (its all **** work) and Steve Byron and Dave Crabtree are complete tools!!
Hi guys.

This is a hard post to write...
My time as a Scaffolder is over, its been fun while it lasted, but it seems that with the efforts of 'l m' aka: the brawler, aka: the nephew, aka: top kiddie, aka: the Palmers Punisher, aka: tubular sculpturer. :D Ive been found out, for a fraud.

Ive decided to come clean.
My name is not Jason and im not a Scaffolder from London... im Dave, actually working as chef at an old peoples home in Ipswich.

Time this fantasy life ended... its broken too many hearts!
Im selling my tools, if anyone wants to buy them:


The bidding starts at £2.50.
Do i hear a £3.00? :cool:

would the funds received be your pension honey cos i hate to burst your bubble but even if you raise a tenner for this extra small set you will only manage a couple of bacon butts
Nahh you are just havin one of the baddddddd days like the rest of us you cant jack you'd miss the game too much:D
yes thats what a lot of boys on stanfords told me - shi-te scaff
but doesnt half do a good bacon n egg sarnie.
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