Thought it was just me, The forum obviously means different things to different people but for me it makes a refreshing change to let rip now and again. Obviously I will need to take my turn on the receiving end but that's life.
rules YOU SHALL NOT POST ADVERTISEMENTS a rest ma case never throw stones in glass houses.
---------- Post added at 10:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:17 PM ----------
will you fcuk aom take a ripping from who?????u jesting mate your one of the best posters on the place informative and genuine and 100%SCAFF.
aom I'm sure if one of your scaffolders had upset one of your customers you would do something about it
That happens more often than you would imagine Ian, but as I tell the complainers you just have to roll with it some times. For me it's the slippery slope if we have to watch we don't upset the sponsors. If I were sponsoring this site I would be more annoyed that others can use it to advertise their wares without digging in their pockets.
Like Rosie says if you deal with scaffolders then you will be well aware that they tend to speak their mind and if you are that sensitive maybe a scaffolding forum is not the place for you.
Dont get me wrong Ian of course you need to moderate otherwise you got chaos but surely
anyone that comes on here is aware of allans rants and either laughs or takes no notice.
RHL came on here and took the pi ss wholesale upset loads of lads and then LIED to make themselves look better and got kicked of by admin and they are still here advertising and not paying a penny for it, i think allans only guilty of speaking before he thinks sometimes .
you havent answered aoms question why is there freeloading advertising allowed and on a very regular basis from non sponsers of the forum,ITS IN YOU RULES YOU ROLLED OUT SO READILY LAST NIGHT IAN?????????????
---------- Post added at 05:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:24 PM ----------
STEVE theres no pack of wolves.......ian has moderated a post and kindly reminded us all of the FORUM rules,that are being regularly infringed almost daily LETS NOT HAVE ONE RULE FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ANOTHER..................thats just not fair is it???????????????