

Jul 4, 2011
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Wanted advanced, pt. 2 scaffolder full time with view to partnership
A small scaffold firm in SW London, I want to take on a full time scaffolder/foreman manager with a view to partnership. All my work is within 3 miles of my office and max size is £25K. At present have 4 jobs up ranging from £5100 to £8500 with more in pipeline from regular and new customers. Usually the problem is getting the work mine is finding the right people to do the work and work with me.
A small scaffold firm in SW London, I want to take on a full time scaffolder/foreman manager with a view to partnership. All my work is within 3 miles of my office and max size is £25K. At present have 4 jobs up ranging from £5100 to £8500 with more in pipeline from regular and new customers. Usually the problem is getting the work mine is finding the right people to do the work and work with me.

Can be tough finding the right person to build a Firm with (from people ive spoken too).
Good luck in your search.
would you take on traveling men who are reliable and can do the job not just looking for a quick busk
Well they must play the violin if they are after a quick busk
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