EL & PL Insurance


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May 19, 2010
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This Septic Isle
We are currently with Quinns, but a lot of main contractors are refusing to accept this company:embarrest:
we are due to change at the end of the year
Who do you guys use and are they any good / how expensive
thought quinn had gone skint , had the problem u have several years ago
We are currently with Quinns, but a lot of main contractors are refusing to accept this company:embarrest:
we are due to change at the end of the year
Who do you guys use and are they any good / how expensive
Ensure whoever you get has triple AAA rating or else you wont get paid by some PC's was at a clients yesterday and they had lots of problems. The PC wants a company that wont go skint have you tried HISCOX
Regards Tufty
We are currently with Quinns, but a lot of main contractors are refusing to accept this company:embarrest:
we are due to change at the end of the year
Who do you guys use and are they any good / how expensive


We were in the same position as you and just managed to hang it out till our normal change date which was the end of Aprill, we even changed our broker as I wasn't happy with them putting our business with them. There is a thread on here somewhere that I started and CelticWarrior gave me a good bit of info about them. At that time they were bust but the Irish goverment agreed to underwrite all their policy's so guy's like me and you wouldnt lose anything. I have scince heard they are trying to rise from the ashes but I took the view that the risk was too great as some of my customers were already untrusting off them. I went with a local broker who recommended AVIVA who were not the cheapest but I felt I owed my customers a named brand they could trust. They were alway's too expensive for us but they seem to have relaxed their rules and were reasonably competitive.
Quinn only won business on price , there service was ***** - used to have a fleet policy with them and was all managed in southern ireland , absolute nightmare to get claims processed and paid out , we had public liability with them but never claimed renewed with Brit this year i think
I have not seen the likes of Aviva insuring Scaffolders! not in the past 12 months anyway.
The main markets are Lloyds of London which carry AA ratings. High Street insurers such as AXA, Aviva, Zurich wont cover Scaffolders as too 'high risk' for them.
What ever hapened to "Iron trades" ? they used to insure SGB when I worked there.
Iron trades pulled out a little while ago, was replaced with QBE (NASC scheme) form what i can remember.
I have not seen the likes of Aviva insuring Scaffolders! not in the past 12 months anyway.
The main markets are Lloyds of London which carry AA ratings. High Street insurers such as AXA, Aviva, Zurich wont cover Scaffolders as too 'high risk' for them.

Sorry MorganLaw axa are very much back in the game.
Aom, I would be shocked if AXA were writing Scaffold Liability insurance. They can include Scaffold works under a general builders policy (i.e. as part of the main build contract) however pure scaffold erect and dismantle contracts they dont have the reinsurance to quote or insure this.
Ring Leo at MD&H,we have used them and even though premiums have gone up massivly since Quinns went bust,(we were insured by them last year)they were the best we found.
As far as we have seen premiums have not increased significantly since Quinn have been placed into Administration. There are several new insurers now fighting for the old Quinn business and can certainly on occasion get within a Quinn price.
We must have been ripped off then cos it's gone up 6 fold and our turnover only Doubled n a bit
I can give you a rough idea if you wish. if you message me the following: Turnover; Manual Wages and claims info, if any. I will give you a rough cost.
I have not seen the likes of Aviva insuring Scaffolders! not in the past 12 months anyway.
The main markets are Lloyds of London which carry AA ratings. High Street insurers such as AXA, Aviva, Zurich wont cover Scaffolders as too 'high risk' for them.

Aom, I would be shocked if AXA were writing Scaffold Liability insurance. They can include Scaffold works under a general builders policy (i.e. as part of the main build contract) however pure scaffold erect and dismantle contracts they dont have the reinsurance to quote or insure this.

Sorry MorganLaw, it's Aviva who are now back underwriting scaffold contractors. They weren't the cheapest but not by much and I was sick of dealing with Firms I had never heard off and so were some of my clients. All sorted now though.
Hi everyone! As has previously been mentioned in this thread, it is almost essential to be insured with an "A" rated insurer now, especially with the recent demise of Quinn. I've heard of many main contractors refusing to allow subcontractors on site if their insurance is not with an insurer with a financial security rating.

There are still a few of insurers out there like Quinn who do not have a rating and our advice would always be to avoid these types of companies, to prevent you from being at a disadvantage for winning contracts and of course to avoid running the risk of the insurer themselves going into administration or liquidation and losing your money.

We here at AIS Ltd have an exclusive scheme with an "A" rated insurer with no height limit and only a £1000 x/s and we are writing extremely keen rates for scaffolders at the moment, with a 20% discount off our rates if you mention ScaffoldersForum.com prior to quoting. If you'd like a quote, just send us a message here, email mark@anglia-insurance.co.uk or feel free to call us on 01376 515782 - we'd be delighted to hear from you :)
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