"Apparently, the CITB was going to 'ban' grandfather right tickets.
You know the old ones where you could have been working on a fruit and veg stall and got a letter in the post asking you if you want either a Basic or Advanced ticket..., which was then sent off and you was then a Scaffolder"
Hiya J mate
I thought I was going to have to re do my tickets because I missed the cut off date to swap my CITB card for CISRS one.
The old boys with the gf tickets I've got to say are hands down the best that I've ever worked with, that's anywhere I've worked. The younger lads couldn't hold a flame to them mate (I **** you not). Not saying they were crap by anymeans, some were excellent but just didn't have the same amount of experience. I think most are retired now or in the office anyhow.
I did my cards through Cecol Bircham Newton and got my driving liscence via a weeks crash course 1 week after my 17th birthday. Never had an accident (touch wood) full no claims bonus. lol
Just for the sake of it, to me it's
Tubes, boards and fittings and a wagon