Ecitb scaffs tkt

Forgot to say Ragscaff had a reply from Tom Hardacre, National Officer for Unite,

To answer your enquiry simply. I am trying to get an extention of the ECITB data base in order to give scaffolders more time to registor on the CISRS

Regards Tom Hardacre

Sent: 16 November 2010 07:51
To: Hardacre, Tom
Subject: Meeting in October regarding Ecitb Scaffold Ticket.

Dear Mr Hardacre,
Have been in contact with Malcolm Bonnett, he has asked me to contact you in relation to the meeting last month, in which the Ecitb issue was discussed, in which you were in attendance.

I dont know whether Malcolm has passed on my details and situation, i have held this ticket for the last 10 years, and now find i can no longer obtain work with it.

Hoping you can let me know where i stand at the moment.

Kind Regards

database. dont think so otherwise you wouldnt paye for a new card when it run out every 3 years or so. how ever low the amount was to renew it
More time to register!!! Not being funny but the ECITB card everyone has known they are not worth a scoot for years.
hahahahaha!!!!! wonder how long it would be before you pop up you seem more concerned than me but thanks for the comment youve just gave it another hit.
Just a thought on if the unlikely scenario of the ECITB suddenly becomes credited with being regarded as a evenly classed ticket,compared to the CISRS ticket,and providing applicants wishing to swap old for newly reconised tickets in order to gain work an option, the powers that be then left wide open to be shot at by any person who was in possession of the ECITB ticket, who has self funded the basic or advanced CISRS tickets.Surely they wouldnt consider moving the goalposts to cause more outrage.I personally dont think theres a cat in hell chance of them changing their minds,after all its all about money.....
Just a thought on if the unlikely scenario of the ECITB suddenly becomes credited with being regarded as a evenly classed ticket,compared to the CISRS ticket,and providing applicants wishing to swap old for newly reconised tickets in order to gain work an option, the powers that be then left wide open to be shot at by any person who was in possession of the ECITB ticket, who has self funded the basic or advanced CISRS tickets.Surely they wouldnt consider moving the goalposts to cause more outrage.I personally dont think theres a cat in hell chance of them changing their minds,after all its all about money.....

No its all about training if you look into it deep enough
Just a thought on if the unlikely scenario of the ECITB suddenly becomes credited with being regarded as a evenly classed ticket,compared to the CISRS ticket,and providing applicants wishing to swap old for newly reconised tickets in order to gain work an option, the powers that be then left wide open to be shot at by any person who was in possession of the ECITB ticket, who has self funded the basic or advanced CISRS tickets.Surely they wouldnt consider moving the goalposts to cause more outrage.I personally dont think theres a cat in hell chance of them changing their minds,after all its all about money.....

they should of thought of that before they decided to take away ecitb scaffolders rights to work you dont work as a competent scaffolder for over
20 years and have it taken away from you hope it cost the persons involved
dearley no ones above the law theve had plenty of time this year to make a
mense 5 million people out of work and on benefits and they wana add to this
next year will be the year scaffolders are out of work due to greed and trainning thats so needs to be longer to learn the trade.
No its all about training if you look into it deep enough

I agree its the "trained and ticketed" criteria laid down by NASC/CISRS as prove of competence that would prevent any like for like exchange of tickets .

However I do believe that forcing experienced ECITB scaffolders to attend part 1 training is an insult as well as waste of time and money , the only winners are the training centers .

I think there should be some sort of exemption from part 1 allowing ECITB card holders with say a minimum of 5 years proven industry experience to fast track into the CISRS scheme at part 2 training .
I agree its the "trained and ticketed" criteria laid down by NASC/CISRS as prove of competence that would prevent any like for like exchange of tickets .

However I do believe that forcing experienced ECITB scaffolders to attend part 1 training is an insult as well as waste of time and money , the only winners are the training centers .

I think there should be some sort of exemption from part 1 allowing ECITB card holders with say a minimum of 5 years proven industry experience to fast track into the CISRS scheme at part 2 training .

i think if the ECITB had any balls they should have prepared for this day better and assisted with funding for the men. As it is it looks like a somebody running a mini as a London cab, not a Nationwide training and assessment organisation.

Also the ECITB could have set themselves up for 2-3 years as a training centre, got their men through and sold it on.
The ECITB are to blame for this & the lack of information to its members is beyond believe!!

To date they have not been able to clarify the situation as to what happened. That alone is wrong. They are still funded by government for middle management.

Statement made without prejudice

Hi lads,if all of us stick together on the E.C.I.T.B subject someone in goverment might
listen at some point,you never know?all the best for the future
I agree lets see what happens when the scaffold industry runs short of experianced
scaffolders instead of N.V Q PEOPLE,good luck celtichoy
Again, with all due respect fellas I don't really know where this thread is heading.

We've established that there are a handful of lads still holding these cards (although I personally have never met a scaffolder who uses one of these cards for about 15 years) - even though they've had literally years of notice to make other provisions, ie: Get CISRS trained, or try and do something about it.

Fair or unfair, there's nothing that can be done about this bar lobbying the EU. It was one of their directives that originally led to the WAH Regs and the need for anyone who works at height to be TRAINED and competent in the works they are carrying out. Going down the EU route would take years, cost a bloody fortune - and you'd still end up losing!

If the SCCR or anyone else wants to waste their time, money and effort on trying to reverse this issue, then good luck to them.

Even if an 'extension' to these cards was granted, try getting onto a Carillion, Bovis Lend Lease, Balfour, National Power Alliance etc etc job with one of these cards. It ain't gonna happen lads.

Good luck with your endeavours anyway.
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I never met anyone with a EICTB ticket, all CISRS I know and work with, I'd just bite the bullet and get the training done,
Again, with all due respect fellas I don't really know where this thread is heading.

We've established that there are a handful of lads still holding these cards (although I personally have never met a scaffolder who uses one of these cards for about 15 years) - even though they've had literally years of notice to make other provisions, ie: Get CISRS trained, or try and do something about it.

Fair or unfair, there's nothing that can be done about this bar lobbying the EU. It was one of their directives that originally led to the WAH Regs and the need for anyone who works at height to be TRAINED and competent in the works they are carrying out. Going down the EU route would take years, cost a bloody fortune - and you'd still end up losing!

If the SCCR or anyone else wants to waste their time, money and effort on trying to reverse this issue, then good luck to them.

Even if an 'extension' to these cards was granted, try getting onto a Carillion, Bovis Lend Lease, Balfour, National Power Alliance etc etc job with one of these cards. It ain't gonna happen lads.

Good luck with your endeavours anyway.

Sorry Steve!


You state that CISRS can only be held because you have been trained!!

Maybe I should give my gold card back then, I have NVQ 3 & took the Assessed route of entry over two weekends. I have had no training in scaffolding as 80 - 90% of scaffolders who took this route over the ten year period.

ECITB were sold down the river when will the rest of us.

The SCCR is after answers to the situation & at the moment everone is saying nothing. This is not a dead loss issue & I am happy giving up my time to try & help others & makle sure there is someone else out there who can have an effect on our industry.

Next step scaffolders SKILLED LABOUR!!

Stewart Quinney
i done the part one some months ago the only thing you could call training in the two week course was an out of date sg 4.5 video that i have seen on every site induction i have been on
:push:If we are going to call it training lets make it training. When I did my advanced course I thought I would learn a bit more info. Far from it!!

I have been scaffolding over 20 years & am still learning. No help from training though. The whole system needs an overhaul!!

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