Ecitb scaffs tkt

No apologies needed, if you can't rant here where can you rant.
Pete you learnt off other scaffolders not the firms, youve been shafted like the rest of us, yes we earnt money but we cant anymore cause the so called major companys have shafted us. if they want to win contracts they have to be part of nasc, they are the one that everyone listens to. they all bowed down to them. no one fought them they were spineless, unions were a joke. i am going to log off cause ive had a drink and so fucked off with it all. my apologies to the forum.:mad::mad::mad:

No apologies needed mate.

The ECITB scaffs have been truly shafted, who will be next, I thinks (previous thread) Guys with no NVQ on the CISRS card. The pot at CISRS is nearly dry, the 'Fatcats ' need revenue.

thanks aom and thanks paddy.your quite right to air your opinion animal if a few more
people came forward we wouldnt be where we are for drinking good job i dont
drink when i come on here id be arested for d mosley hes just the poor trainning
manager that gets all the **** off hes boss robin james i no theres 3 trainning poping up
but ask your self the question if you had a cisrs scaffold ticket would you want to go
back to collage after 2 decades and start again once theve run out of course bookings
what ticket will they bring out next.people should remember that ecitb were trainned
from scaffolders how had no tickets and were given grandfathers rights and these
scaffs are still going strong today.and these ones are helping the cisrs lads to gain there
exsperiance today.yeah some did get ecitb tickets easy but these lads ave been out
the game years as they were ****.and wernt employed as ragscaff said in an ideal world
you would summit a work history and refrence and get the apropiate ticket its only a
piece of plastic at the end of the day most of the big moneys gone on scaffolding as
nasc have drainned the companys dry now they have em where they want em.
The free training offered by Simian will not be available to the SCCR or self employed!!

We are still trying the CITB route. Getting quite interesting some of the things we are finding out though. All will be reported in good time.

Had the same response you did T.Animal from Nigel Spencer ECITB, they have washed their hands mate I think :cry:

I didn’t expect much more, again we are trying different angles with this one.

Regards Ragscaff
Hi Ragscaff,
Podger's been in touch with me, i think it would be better if someone from the SCCR could be in contact with NJC carry more weight than me, you might get an answer out of them:eek: i am going to the area meeting on the 30th of this month and see the rep of Unite and see what there stand is on the ticket issue. I dont know if youve been in contact with Scaffinity and see what his take is on it and whether he could help or not, maybe share information to achieve the same aim. :idea:

Thanks again to you and all on the committee for all there efforts;)
yeah be interesting to see who the njc pass it on to for a ticket that nobody wants its
amazing how many people were involved in it.
Funny how many of the big companies Directors were on the committee of Ecitb when they were getting contracts thru them and then now are on the Nasc committee getting work from them and just following whatever directives they dictate, but not a thought of there workforce. They forget who makes them successful it starts from the roots. The companies should be looked into that have failed there workforce, i mean the ones that employ more than 1000+men :notrust:
Gents lets be honest here the ECITB card is a joke to our industry anyone can apply for one and the mean reason it is being phased out is because someone actually applied for one for their 8 year old daughter and actually got it issued (say no more)....

I know lads who have these cards and are excellent scaffolders but at the end of the day the CISRS scheme is the recognised card scheme for scaffolders.

For those of you who require your CISRS card I can offer you FREE training Part 1 & Part2 with NVQ included.
This is providing you do not have a NVQ already.

So no excuse fellas free training no cost to you at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

shame the blokes that want it are unemployed and ave to be employed to get it what a load of ******** every ones entitled to there opinions .
Trying to register SCCR with CITB. As we are helping people get into work they should not be able to stop us!!

Then we will be entitled to the free training!!

power to the people up the sccr you ok

hi Just joined forum as i was trying to get my head round the stupid cards situation.

I have been in the game for longer than i care to remeber and i have recentley achieved NVQ level 2 and 3 via on site assessment. I read the CSCS leaflets which say you get an NVQ you get a cscs card. I decided to contact CSCS. They now tell me I need to do a part one and two and be treated as a new entrant and the only card I could have is a trainee cscs. Has any one else had this? I am a bit confused to say the least it doesnt not seem to be very fair.
Hi and welcome to forum mad dog, would that be mad dog from Gillingham by any chance:weird:
cscs cards

hi Just joined forum as i was trying to get my head round the stupid cards situation.

I have been in the game for longer than i care to remeber and i have recentley achieved NVQ level 2 and 3 via on site assessment. I read the CSCS leaflets which say you get an NVQ you get a cscs card. I decided to contact CSCS. They now tell me I need to do a part one and two and be treated as a new entrant and the only card I could have is a trainee cscs. Has any one else had this? I am a bit confused to say the least it doesnt not seem to be very fair.

:mad:Hello Mad Dog,
I worked with the E.C.I.T.B advanced card for upto 20 Years then passed the N.V.Q level two, and like yourself was told i could not have a C.S.C.S card even though i had passed the C.S.C.S touch screen health & safety, Furthermore they gave me a certificate that lasts for two years,but if i had the C.I.S.R.S card the C.S.C.S card would last for five years. I feel that I and many other Scaffolders are being disciminated against for not being in possetion of the C.I.S.R.S card.
Has anybody got any feedback.

In order to move on swiftly I need all ECITB card holders to PM me their details, get all the guys you know together as well. I am led to believe there are 15,000 scaff affected by this, some may have got CISRS cards now but at what cost.

I am preparing a report on where we are over the weekend & will try & contact those who have already sent me details on what has happened to them!

My next port of call is Government, I have several contacts to get the ball rolling, this will go ahead what ever happens but the more that come forward the better!!

nice one ragscaff i emailed watchdog again last night this will be the third time they now have sccr details dont these people no how we are lol.
once wayne rooneys olde newes il contact the sun they like a story.
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