
Yes butt i can offer much wokr for the buggerian man he can clean my truks and paiting my tubes and then we i thinkin he reddy after day 2 he can run big top jobs fur much lessings moneey than i payin gud scaffulder and i makin more moneys lik a gud bussinnes man

Its a puppet

Whose got there hand up your arse
are you not french frog?

No im not on my maternal side i had a forefather who fought with William 3rd,in one of his Hugenoet Regiments and was given Land to settle in the Scotish Borderlands in 1688.
On my fathers side the family goes back as far as is traceable to Dumfrieshire Scotland.
Even if i was French frog you Racist feck i would still be eligable to work in GREAT BRITAIN as i would be from a EU Member nation,just like the Bulgarians and Romanians will be.
Sort your paperwork out as i will inform the Immigration and Borders Agency if i suspect any overstaying andabuse of my countrys generosity ;)
Let them come in and rent my property.
And then hopefuly more properties.
To help solve the property shortage why don't the British people move to other countries thus freeing up places for new immigrants?

Just worked with a Brit who's living in Romania ,he's got a cracking girlfriend and nice big house
Does anyone reckon this is why the country's knackered?, because to many dont question or don't care?
It does seem a sick joke we are cutting benefits for our own people, but are allowing 300 0000 people who've never paid a penny in unlimited access to healthcare and benefits!
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