Drivers CPC

I was being backed up by a certain apprentice one day in a tight road , he was to lazy to get out just hung out the window i looked saw a wall on my side looked again and the wall was lying in the garden , the mad thing was no one seen it so we took of but had to come back that afternoon to strike the job , so parked at the end of the road and humped the gear down the road , some poor sod must have had a heart attack when they got home home from work that night :embarrest:
I got stopped once ages ago and asked to prove who I was. First gave the cop my DOB then he asked how old I was and the daft feker could't add up and he thought I was wrong till his wee WPC told him actually he was wrong. The rest wasn't any easier, I said look pal I have a big fcuk off scaffold truck here full of gear with my name and address on the side I have a wallet with CITB card, bank card and credit cards all with my name on it, aye he say's but you could of nicked it. FFS, I also could have landed from the planet mong ready to take over the world but I would have chosen a better vehicle if I was doing either.:(

his maby fort hey up scaffolding wagon full of gear and a scott driving its pinched and on its way to the scrapper and we need to get it back to its owner only doing you a good turn really coz what if it had of been pinched you would of been cursing him for not intreragating you now thats a head fuk :laugh:
the lorry driver we have now has been asking for a camera that goes on the back when hes reversing recons there 200 quid so he can see when hes in a tight spot think meself 200 quid ante a bad price exspecially if you knock or damage someones property or even run someone over

Not a big fan of these things Dico. I have one on the motor and it's OK but becomes too easy to be reliant on it. This was ages ago but we used to own a cherry picker with a fairly large boom on it and a fella asked us to deliver it to a house on Friday night so he could have it for the weekend. He uses his camera and beepers but not his mirror as it fails to pick up the beam and he reverses his big jeep straight into the boom right through the back window.:noworry:
Not a big fan of these things Dico. I have one on the motor and it's OK but becomes too easy to be reliant on it. This was ages ago but we used to own a cherry picker with a fairly large boom on it and a fella asked us to deliver it to a house on Friday night so he could have it for the weekend. He uses his camera and beepers but not his mirror as it fails to pick up the beam and he reverses his big jeep straight into the boom right through the back window.:noworry:

hope you boombed him wid a bill the next morning lol
Might be handy on site

[ame=]How to empty a trailer - YouTube[/ame]
his maby fort hey up scaffolding wagon full of gear and a scott driving its pinched and on its way to the scrapper and we need to get it back to its owner only doing you a good turn really coz what if it had of been pinched you would of been cursing him for not intreragating you now thats a head fuk :laugh:

I wish that was the truth but it get's worse.

We were on one of the islands working all week, a new client called and asked if I would price a hotel job. It was on the way home so I told him I would and took his number and told the guy I would call him back the following week. When coming over on the boat I thought I would get the boy's interested in pricing as it was a right awkward job and the usual meterage wouldn't cover it. We must have looked like the fekin Taliban as they sh it themselves and called the cops on us despite speaking with a waitress. Hence the reason for all the questions about my identity. Worse still, I had no idea who the client was or what his number was as his number was in the office and I fekin wasn't. All in all a fekin nightmare.:embarrest:
I was being backed up by a certain apprentice one day in a tight road , he was to lazy to get out just hung out the window i looked saw a wall on my side looked again and the wall was lying in the garden , the mad thing was no one seen it so we took of but had to come back that afternoon to strike the job , so parked at the end of the road and humped the gear down the road , some poor sod must have had a heart attack when they got home home from work that night :embarrest:

hahaha tesco last week phill. swung pick up in parking bay but!!! didnt allow for back end!!! smashed this cars back head lights out!!! me mate said no ones seen ya so drive!! i said no iam gana report it!!! anyway i thought sod it everybody else does it!!! so parked at other end of tesco was okay for 5 minutes then security come out pointing at us!!!! so i walked in to tesco and reported accident!!! he replied thankyou for being honnest most people drive off:laugh:
I have 2 claims pending with the 18 tonne lorry at the moment , driving a lorry in London is a fooking nightmare .

Thats the good thing about lorry's you can always claim you never realised you done it :cheesy:
Would hate to be in the city with these things. Has it's own problems round here though. Met a nutter in one of those 4X4's on a single track road thinking he owned the road as everyone obviously got out of his way. He must have dropped a load when he came flying round the corner to see an 18 ton Scania filling his windscreen as he hit his brakes and locked up skidding towards me. I was going slow fully loaded and could do nothing but head for the ditch which I did and he hit my side rails. His thing was a write off and the big truck wasn't even scratched so we bumped his wreck out the way and carried on out merry way.:cool:
Aye it was. Tried to claim off me the cheeky c@nt as it's bump for bump on these roads which I always thought was you fix yours and I will fix mine but it turns out it's you fix mine and I'll fix yours. soon changed their tune when I said I would rather take my chances in court as I had a tacho to prove I was driving about 15mph in the run up to the crash. Sometimes it's worth putting them in the right way up Dico.:bigsmile:
this is a grey area, mrs is trying to get to the bottom of this. we started to put the lads on the cpc course then they tell us we do not need it because are driving is not more than 60% of are work day plus we are moving are own materials. but we are trying to get some one to say this is right!!, its like the other week the lads got pulled by vosa on the way down to wales first thing was lets see your tacho, but the other vosa officer ask if we had left are 40 mile radius. because you can run 40 mile radius with out tacho. (depends who pulls you). just need someone from vosa to say yes or no!!!if you can speak to a person & not a answer machine!

Drivers do not need a Driver CPC if the vehicle they drive[2]:
has a maximum authorised speed not exceeding 45 kilometers per hour

is used by, or under the control of, the armed forces, civil defence, the fire service and forces responsible for maintaining public order

is undergoing road tests for technical development, repair or maintenance purposes, or is a new or rebuilt vehicles which * have not yet been put into service

is used in states of emergency or assigned to rescue missions

is used in the course of driving lessons for any person wishing to obtain a driving licence or a Driver CPC

is used for non-commercial carriage of passengers or goods, for personal use

is carrying material or equipment to be used by the driver in the course of his or her work, provided that driving the vehicle is not the driver's principal activity

as far as am concerned we are the 5th emergencie service (coast guard being the 4th) so there for we should be exempt

is carrying material or equipment to be used by the driver in the course of his or her work, provided that driving the vehicle is not the driver's principal activity

this might mean the likes of aom get awya with it if his driver drives the wagon alone in the cab and take the rest of the boys in the crew cab..... for the master this is an every day acurance :laugh:

and i would guess that is used for non-commercial carriage of passengers or goods, for personal use
the gaffer again could drive the wagon to the job if its a demestic job or an indurstrial job ''but5 not the commercial job'' the likes of aom as he still on the spanner regualy so is able to drive the wagon as personal use (personal to him personal aom scaffolding) but no good for the master who lets his dog work :laugh: other than that i think were fuked as far as the cpc is concerned
this is a grey area, mrs is trying to get to the bottom of this. we started to put the lads on the cpc course then they tell us we do not need it because are driving is not more than 60% of are work day plus we are moving are own materials. but we are trying to get some one to say this is right!!, its like the other week the lads got pulled by vosa on the way down to wales first thing was lets see your tacho, but the other vosa officer ask if we had left are 40 mile radius. because you can run 40 mile radius with out tacho. (depends who pulls you). just need someone from vosa to say yes or no!!!if you can speak to a person & not a answer machine!

We have hit the same brick wall. I have been tasked with trying to find out if any or all of our drivers need it or not but the best I can get out of anyone at VOSA is you will have to check the regulation, interpret it and then decide yourself if you are exempt or not. Nobody is putting their head on the block and spelling out exactly who requires it, I personally think they are not sure themselves and just hoping that everybody does it. Ask any of the training providers and they will happily tell you that it's a requirement for all but they would.

They are still exempt and that could be very plausible as it is like a 3 ring circus when dealing with VOSA.
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