Drawings for Advanced CISRS Course Inside! Click..............


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2010
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North Korea
Here are the Drawings which are currently on the Advanced Course. The Dead Shore and Tubular Drop Hanger are on the 2 day assessment at Erith at the moment.

All that is missing is the Push/ Pull Shore, not sure if I have it but if I can find it I will add upload a.s.a.p

Apologies for the joined images which are missing minor detail, this is because they were A3 and I only have an A4 Scanner.

I also have Training notes for modules 1, 2 & 3, also known as Part 1, Basic and Advanced.

Not sure if I can upload them on here though, will have to check with SF Admin first.



DEAD SHORE *This is on your assessment at Erith*





---------- Post added at 06:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:58 PM ----------

TUBULAR DROP HANGER *This is on your assessment at Erith*

Ive never put Plan Bracing under a Hanger before, myself.
Theres usually Plan Bracing off the Beamwork/Horse attached to the Hanger, but i aint put any underneath before.

Those Drawings should be the CISRS ones, if so - they should have been checked by the CITB prior to being printed.
You'd think so anyway, lol.
think they should use these drwgs at birtchen cos the ones they used were crapp, mostly still in imperial and looked like theyd been photo copied off the back of a fag packet lol
They're changing things so much so fast that those Drawings could be about 3 months old and still be out of date, lol.

Nice to see the colour ones though.
The ones we used at Erith were shiite.
would be interesting for the offshore boys to comment , as i'm sure they erect the most...
all the ones i've done( prob approx20-30) have never had them in
It could well come down to what job your on, who your working for and cost.
More tubes in a job - stronger sure, but also more expensive.

Plan Bracing would be nice under a Hanger to add a bit more strength, but if the boss is on your case to get the job done - its a luxury, that you might be able to leave out to make the job go up quicker.

I think the old butts under a Hanger is gonna be a thing of the past soon.
Ive done both and i do prefer using a Trapeze.

I think its easier to work off a few Boards, off the Trapeze then swinging about off a Butt, lol.
Try running a board along your buts and clipping it down makes life alot better and it saves the fek on trying to drop the trapeze
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Maybe Simian could clarify, but from what I know about "private" national courses, each tutor/ teaching centre produces their own teaching materials and course.

If that's the case with scaffolding courses, CISRS (NASC) will say what needs to be covered in the curriculum and then it's down to the centre/ tutor delivering the course, to come up with content, diagrams and everything else.

For the assessment, there will be guidance notes, but other than that (and subject to CISRS inspecting, maybe every year?), that's it.

So when you get awful course notes, teaching delivery and diagrams, you should complain... you pay a stack of money for these courses.

And if the way things are being done is changing as rapidly as you say, then the tutors need to be constantly updating their courses/ content and of course, their own knowledge.
plan brace under the hanger always! it stops and movement and acts as a tie,not all jobs are 1 lift ive dropped 21,then another 21 and then another and it wasnt offshore that was over a bridge.
as for trapeze the only time i done that was at the training centre and that was my part 2.
Same here Daftscaff, every hanger plan braced off and on shore but I have also used the trapeze for a hanger, it was only a small one down a tank and proved a handy technique more than once.
How bored are you aom, raking through the old threads. After reading this thread (again) I reckon the next time I do a hanger i'll bang a plan in it.
haha, just pm'd your mate the rotty lover to tell him exactly how bored I am.

And ffs bang in a plan.;)
I plan brace hangers that out in fresh air ( not against a building and butting a wall ) and are wider than the normal independant scaffold.
I rather use the trapeze, but in some cases under a platform, you don't get the headroom to drop them down . So used the boards fixed to the butts, which works a treat.
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