Don't entertain these Bad agencys

Eh? Like i said to you on the phone Mick - Leaving the client in the **** (excuse my french) is exactly the reason why i had a problem getting your timesheet. If you say your going to do x amount of weeks and after 2 days (giving the client 5 hours notice and not even informing me) that you were leaving at 12 is not really enough notice. Therefore we had an issue getting your timesheet in. You can slag me off all you want mick but if anyone wants the full details of the situation all you have to do is phone me and i'll give you all the details of what happened. If i got you to site Mick and after 5 hours said go home you'd be complaining that i didnt give you any notice. So in fairness why do you think you can leave (For that matter why does anyone think they can) and still get everything for it. My number is 01256 817878 Cheers
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What it comes down to is the fact that you left site giving just 5 hours notice leaving my client onsite with no labour and getting a bollocking. I can see why he was upset with you and didnt want to pay you. Anyway like i said before you will be paid monday and we can severe any links to each other as i for one would never employ you again.
What it comes down to is the fact that you left site giving just 5 hours notice leaving my client onsite with no labour and getting a bollocking. I can see why he was upset with you and didnt want to pay you. Anyway like i said before you will be paid monday and we can severe any links to each other as i for one would never employ you again.

Have you ever erected any form of scaffolding?
Like i said before boycott them all, then we might get some decent money.
five hours notice . for f*cks sake your an agency . i wouldnt dream of giving any notice to an agency . your a stop gap until another job comes along .holding back wages just means even less people will want to work for you .
Call me old fashioned - old school - or whatever you want, but I feel that if you agree to do the work then you have a commitment to finish it and not leave at the drop of a hat. Too many people think the world owes them a living and don't have the work ethic that seems tpo be missing nowadays.

I'll now get ready to be shot down in flames - but deep down you know I'm right
two very diffrent arguments,bit of logic on both sides though,hope you get your dosh mate.
I can understand the feelings from being dropped by an agency with hardly any notice, but they are not employers. If their clients suddenly decide they no longer need a scaffolder, that cannot be the agency's fault.
Tonys, i know what your saying in the first part of your post, but if you dont work for them you wont get treated like s--t look at how many lads on hear are complaining. Like i said time to give them a miss.

As always, and rightly so too. There is two sides to every arguement. That is the basis of free speech from living in a democratic society. The Scaffolders Forum promotes this provisio to the upmost.

However, IMHO, is it in the Forums interest, to be part of, or interfering with a personal conflict, between 2 parties with a grievance.

I am on hear as 'Judge Judy' and all the other Oprah,Jeremy and Dierdrie sh1t is on the TV.

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