Do you know which scaffolder owns this

You really are the spirit of christian charity
its people like you that make me believe in the true meaning of christmas.i was brought up in with "faith hope and charity"
and sadly i dont always live upto those principles.
Fred have a merry christmas and a happy new year. ;)
it looks like a change in fortunes for the blues brothers in london benitez has deffinetly got the best out of torres

Dont you mean Faith Brown,Bob Hope,Charity Dingle:laugh:
I really do hope I am not spoiling anyone's fun with this one but as even the boy's who work with me would not recognise anyone in that picture I think it's only fair to announce the mysterious Jock in the picture is me. Second kid in from the left in the back row.:embarrest::laugh:
I really do hope I am not spoiling anyone's fun with this one but as even the boy's who work with me would not recognise anyone in that picture I think it's only fair to announce the mysterious Jock in the picture is me. Second kid in from the left in the back row.:embarrest::laugh:

Is that really you? I had pictured you as somewhat older, possibly with thinning or greying hair and a red nose and face possibly caused by exposure to the Scottish weather or by exposure to too much Jura. Its a wonder your lads take any notice of you at all.
I am older, that was 30 odd year ago:laugh: I matured somewhat, a bit like the Jura and to be honest I can get most to listen to what I have to say.:cool:
haha, every good Geordie should own at least 1.;)
haha, every good Geordie should own at least 1.;)

you know my background Alistair, wee Jimmy Kelly from Cambletown, and my Grandson was born in Clydebank, where my laddie met his mother, Glaswegian.
:amazed: glad they wernt from Makem land, would have to join the Foreign Legion .....(again).:(
Got to be honest Paddy, it's not a bad lineage.
I bet your the man who tells all the 2 year olds that Santa does not really exist AOM.

What AOM has forgot to tell you was those football trials were for Celtic.
haha, aye right even at that tender age I knew the difference between good and bad.:noworry:

Nobody was ever going to get it Rachet, as I said even the boy's I work with would never guess that was me so what chance would the forum have, sorry I spoiled your fun.

I don't mind old pictures like that and remember it being taken as we were the proud recipients off new strips as we were sponsored by the local slaughter house.:laugh: If the picture was better you would see a picture of a bulls head on the front of them, happy days.

One other point I should make, the manager in the picture was only a young boy himself there, maybe in his early 20's believe it or not but guy's like him were amongst why wee boy's like me had a great childhood. When I think back there were loads of guys who gave up loads of free time for things like football, Boys Brigade, Judo and far to many other things to list that helped the young team of Kintyre and I tip my hat to each and every one of them.
Yes no gaming systems then. No sky football. Not as many fat bas----s either. When was the last time I saw kids playing hopscotch and marbles. Ask my kids if they fancy a game of cards and they look at me in such a foul way. Your correct AOM communities are ruined forever. It's never been the same since before the thatcher years to be honest. The old sla*.
Times have changed but guys like that cross my mind from time to time especially as I know I wouldn't do it especially not at that age.
Is that why you like jet sking? It's freezing up there watching the northern lights!
It's not that cold when suited and booted, the water temperature only changes by about 1 or 2 degrees winter and summer.:cool:
nah, been positively balmy the past couple of weeks hovering around -6. Transport is a nightmare though, we craned a load on and strapped her well down and only had about 5 miles back to base, checked my mirror to see half the load hanging over the side as it slipped on the frozen bed. I managed to limp to a safe spot and sort it but someone else was not so lucky and lost a drum of something which hit a car at the same corner. That's one of the few things I hate about the frozen morning's, that and the amount of easy start it takes to fire up the old fork lift.:eek:
It's not ice road truckers you know, haha ice road Aom.:laugh:
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