DISPUTE: Neighbour wont let scaffold overhang is this a solutions?


May 20, 2013
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Situation: Loft conversion going in this year. The front will remain untouched.


And a dormer will be constructed at the rear (So a lovely big access hole to do the work)


BUT the neighbour is refusing to allow any overhang of scaffolding over his alleyway fence.

Have measured the distance.


Would it be possible to scaffold the front of the house, the back of the house AND create a run down the alleyway.
I think you will find his neighbour doesn't own the air space so he may object but can't do a lot if the scaffold overhangs his boundary.
Sorry meant to clairfy that its my house having the loft conversion.

And my neighbour when I asked him if we can overhang said

NO !

Are the smallest lengths of scaffold 1.2m ?

In other words would it be possible to put short 1m poles right up to the fence line but not over it.

Having scaffold down the side would be useful.

For a start we are going to have to remove this asbestos tank in the loft void.



It would have been useful to take it out of the back dormer then carry it round to the front.
You only have space for 2 boards, I would cantilever over his path to allow 3 boards and tell him it's a compromise.
If the cant has sheeting or netting then nowt will drop on his property. Can only moan if you block his light/view.
I would go with swiftys idea and just tell the bloke to do 1 like at the end off the day your only trying to improve you home and the area you live in so it carnt be a bad thing can it
Welcome to the Forum 365 drills

Your access problems can be solved quite simply by contacting a local scaffold company, they will explain what you can and cannot do as to erecting a scaffold over your neighbours property.

The safe removal of your asbestos header tank will be a lot more expensive, once you start to disconnect the pipework you will create asbestos impregnated dust. Please follow the link

HSE - Asbestos: Asbestos essentials

Before you attempt to remove the header tank. Asbestos is a very dangerous substance and should be handled by trained personnel and disposed of in a prescribed way.
Many thanks for the replys so far.

Yes I guess the danger with internet forums is that you get loads of information but still need to talk to the local tradesmen.

A bit like a doctors I guess. When I am ill I google my symptoms - read the forums and then go see the doctor and tell him whats wrong with me!! Then he promptly tells me something else.

I wanted to sort of share my experience and yes you are right I should ring up the local scaffold company and they will advise. BUT I did want to get a little bit of insider intel as well...

So If I get someone local turn up and say "Cant be done" You will have to put a scaffold tower over the top of the house or something like that then at least I can know if the forum thinking is the same.

Someone might say "At its skinniest point around the chimney breast its 600mm or two planks BUT as long as you can get a wheelbarrow round then its fine (I am just guessing at the response here - Not creating them !!)

So yes in fact one of my thinkings was that as we go higher we might be able to go out more slightly. So say 1.2m at the very top and just blame it on an optical illusion to the grumpy neighbour. :cheesy: If its inside the fence at the bottom just say Noooo you must be going crazy! (Would he even notice 20mm at the top)

About the Asbestos tank. Yes 100% I will do this right. But the only access for it is to come out of the newly created dormer (wrapped in all its finest protection etc etc) And then lowered down. Its about the size of a small fridge. OR the alternative is to lift it over the roof.

But be sure I WILL be doing it to the best and safest means.


This is my daughter and I would NEVER do anything to get asbestos dust near her. In fact the whole reason for the loft job is so she can have a bigger room.
Welcome 365 , we have done loads like this the scaffolders will go as tight to the fence as they can and canterlever the top lift out an extra board or 2.

As a bit of free advice i would get the scaffolders to price to allow you the widest scaffold at the front as you can , beef it up and use it to store all your dormer kit on , thats what we normally do for all loft extension jobs ;)
Cheers for that. In fact the front of the house is going to be a very wide loading platform (just as you suggest) with a platform out to the road.

Thats becasue the house is set down a hill so the road is in effect almost level to the first floor (see my drawing).

It made no sense for trades to go down two flights of steps then back up.


I think the plan is to use it to store materials and roof tiles.
Ive had loads of this in the past,"don't go in there air space"
So you do your best to keep everything on the clients side.
Is it actually a law though?
Necessary development will allow you to work over the neighbors side. Apllication to the county court should do the trick. Have you phoned the local council?
No one owns the sky above their house. But I expect HSWT will think of someone.
My advice would be to offer some sort of goodwill jesture to your neighbour which will end this in a mutually beneficial way; effectively granting you an oversailing license. As this is a loft conversion and not maintenance of an existing property, you have no legal right to overstep/oversail the boundary (refer to Access to Neighbouring Land Act 1992).

Had loads of these issues whilst working in structures and dealing with the the Party Wall Act. A couple of hundred quid now could save you a tidy sum when the Surveyors get involved.
Phill is right we get this all the time just put a skinny scaffold at the side and a wider one at the front for storage,I don't think he can do much if you over hang though but if he is nasty he might get health and safety involved and stuff like that and cause more problems than you want so best kept in own boundary

---------- Post added at 09:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:28 PM ----------

My advice would be to offer some sort of goodwill jesture to your neighbour which will end this in a mutually beneficial way; effectively granting you an oversailing license. As this is a loft conversion and not maintenance of an existing property, you have no legal right to overstep/oversail the boundary (refer to Access to Neighbouring Land Act 1992).

Had loads of these issues whilst working in structures and dealing with the the Party Wall Act. A couple of hundred quid now could save you a tidy sum when the Surveyors get involved.
Now you mention it I have heard of a over sail agreement before but never had to get one
sounds a great neighbour 365!!! he or she may need a favour one day and you no what to say mate!!
I would talk to the neighbour and explain
It would be much safer to have a platform
Wide enough on side to cover the whole alley!
At least there wouldn't be any chance of debris
Falling over edge of scaffold into his property
And everything is protected!
Well Good Luck Mr. Clapperboard........

As you are involved in the Film Industry....maybe you should make your neighbor an offer he can't refuse ????? ;)

Otherwise, I'll come and do the job for you........

I take it that this is a pic of you :eek:

Hahah yes Charlie thats me !

I have decided to wait for the plans to arrive and then sit down with him next door and talk sensibly about the options. I am sure the job will get done, with or without his cooperation. But it works both ways.

For example. On matters about parking outside his house. Does he want me to be helpful and ask our trades to not park there? Timings for noisy work? And I will also remind him that anything done to frustrate the job will SLOW IT DOWN which could mean trades on site for 8 weeks instead of 6. Does he really want to start off on a wrong foot. Once the plans are with me its knock on the door with a bottle of wine..

Or maybe Charlie I need a film crew ;-) as well as a building crew.
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