Diary of taking an Appretice/labourer on


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2009
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After reading the Part2 diary thought I would add me own

my diary for taking on an Apprentice,
DAy1 -this lad keeps badgering me for some work only a whipper snapper wants a job at scaffolding so he can become big and tough! one day I need an extra pair of hands so I tell him do you want a few days work, "yes please I will work really really hard" was the reply so he gets picked up at 7am the next morning and joins in carrying off the wagon on a job, happy as larry.

Day2 - Works good again, I think what a change to see someone so eager to join in the trade "good lad".

Few weeks later he's still with us "hey Dean do you want an apprenticeship" "Oh yes please" was the reply "super duper I will sign you up at collage"

few more weeks go by off he goes on his merry way to do his foundation course "okay Deano come back show me something new will put your wages in bank for next 2 weeks don't you worry pal"

Now then little Deano comes back telling me he not a labourer any more he is an "apprentice scaffolder". Okay dokey Deano what did you do on your little course buddy.
"er Just health & safety stuff but they want me back in december for part1" no probs Deano "oh and boss I need anouther 2 weeks coz I'm going Majorca at the end of the month" bloody hell I thinks never mind let him have an holiday come back fresh he will.

comes back off his jollys skint "er boss can I sub 30quid till friday". "ok Dean no probs now do you want to start by giving them trucks a good wash inside and out"
few hours later" Boss I like that transit pickup can I have it" me:- "now now Deano lets take 1 step at a time you've not passed your test yet" Deano:- "I know I know just for when I do" me:- Ok Dean well see what happens".

so Deano work with us for a while banging on to who ever calls him a labourer "I AM NOT A LABOURER I AM AN APPRENTICE SCAFFOLDER" and telling everbody he's gonna get the transit pickup when he passes his test so I pull him to one side " listen Deano lets get a few things clear hear whatever you want to call yourself in your job description doesn't matter learn the trade from the bottom up. Become a good labourer then slowly you can move up the ladder, whilst your doing the labourering have a look at how the job is going together and learn the basics. Now your going on your part1 in december and you been doing it for about 5 months now and the boys are getting a bit sick and tired off picking you up in the morning only for you not to be there because your still in bed then waiting whilst you **** about making yourself look ream and whilst i'm at it thats anouther thing whilst on the job try concentrateing on the job and not checking yourself out in every car window or shop front you walk past, oh and the lads are tired of you asking is it break time every 15 mins and asking them to do things for you because you don't know how, that's how we learn Dean we do thing over and over till we get good at them and perfect them, now Deans reply was " I work better from positive encouragement rather than being told off my teachers used to do that they used positive encouragement" Me:- "Well Dean your in the big wide world now and everything isn't all pretty and shiny now get to fooking work"

Few Days:- Im sat in the office/cabin and Deans been given a task of painting a load of 5's about an hour in to it he comes and knocks on the door and says "do I ave do all them 5's" :sad: by this point I'm getting a bit tired so I say " :mad:No Dean what you would you rather do? you can go home if you want, " Dean:-" no it's alright I will do em"

So this **** carrys on for a few more weeks till he rings me on a thurs night at 9.30pm saying he won't be in because he's been to doctors and they said he got "inflammation of the tendons on his shoulder" then txt's me on the saturday saying "this games not for him and I'm not working my weeks notice"

now then Dean isn't the first 1 I have had through the doors in fact he's about the 5th or 6th like this so, where does the problem lie. Is it me? a question I have asked many of times or is society going wrong somewhere does nobody want to work hard for a living anymore. This lad was picked up and dropped off every morning, finished job and knock on most days thinking I was being fair and still jacked when the weather went a bit sh1t
and got a few bigger jobs where he wasn't finishing at 2-3 pm.
Sorry for moaning but I had to get it off my chest, feel better now :)
Be a while before I take any young lads on again!! :suspicious:
Young uns these days. . . Soft as *****. They seem to think the world owes them a living. Burger flipping beckons.
maby gave him a taste of the career ladder to soon marra keep them grounded coz thell lose intrest if they believe they should be up there when there no were near been up there after a cours i foudn this out after doing my part 1 thinking aye no more labouring for me but i put my self threw my part 1 to early and ended up labouring for another year or so after which really pissed me off after been on the spanner away form home, the firm am on for atm wont put no 1 threw there tickets for about 4.5 years at minimum 2 labs started a few weeks between them 1 still a lab the others part 2
kids these days , sounds like u gave him every chance and treated him better than u should have
Keep them in the yard and labouring for at least 12 months, if they stick that then they should be OK
Afraid to say thats the way with most of the youngsters today.

Keep them in the yard and labouring for at least 12 months, if they stick that then they should be OK

Thats the way to go I think, give them a tough start and if they stick it out you've got a better chance with them. if not, you won't have wasted your time and effort too much on them.
I would agree with jiggaman Dandaps, a familiar story for sure but I wouldn't give up on the young guns too much. I have been through your story and much worse on a few occasions but always find when one door closes three new ones open and you will find there is another keen as mustard young fella out there looking for work.

I took on a couple about a year ago, signed one up fairly quickly for the apprenticeship scheme but felt the other might struggle at college so kept him on the ground till I was sure he could keep himself safe. After watching him for some time lug bags of fittings and tubes up any height I asked him to I decided to have a chat and see how he saw things going. It turned out he had more qualifications than my old school teacher and I couldn't believe he was not going to do more with it. He told me he liked the job and saw a future in it for him so I put the feelers out to get him a place which turned out would not be till June next year but luckily got a cancellation for early December. I pulled him to one side to give him the news and he told me that actually after our last discussion he had changed his mind and maybe thought university might well be a better option for him.

I couldn't blame him, in fact I agree with him but signed him up anyway as he probably works too hard not to get something from the job and as we both know the funding for apprentices is such it cost's very little other than a bit of effort to get them trained.
Good read,dandaps. Thats going on up and down the country, I have something very similar at the mo. Asking what time were finishing soon as we start work,on the mobile whenever. wondering who's doing who a favour here. Give a youngun a chance,they see your a bit soft and take mile.
I am pretty tough on them to be honest but think my foreman is worse as he worked with me in my hay day and thinks that is how it should be done. A mixture of stick and carrot but I don't make it too easy on them, I could pick them all up in the morning but fook that, no one picked me up so it's be in the yard at starting time. A simple basic enough thing but we did it with the last crop and it seemed to take any desire to actually learn to drive away from them so now it's walk no matter the weather.

The pay rates for apprentices are poor, mines are probably due one as well.
Seems to be the same old story ,the more you give the more they take,Ive a 28 yr old part 2 with me at the moment and he really does know less than **** all and really isnt interested in learning anything that may better he's chances out there if I ultimately decided to get rid off him.( which i contemplate on a hourly basis it seems)

You would think he's world has come to a end if we have to work past 3 or theres light rain forcast...

Bleeding joke these days
Think it's more tough love at Aom and if they got home at 3 it would be considered a half shift.
Sometimes, other times as soft as putty.
Had a keen young lad working with me on GB's in 90's,turn up each day and would labour all day without any fuss,it was only by chatting to him did i find out he was earning £39 per week on YTS scheme,gave him all the encouragement possilbe plus a drink at the end of week,show's there are some hard/willing lads out there.
Goats milk gets more expensive every day.:cool:
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