

Well-known member
Feb 17, 2010
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I know this has been posted before, but does anyone have the definitive answer if a scaffolder needs this additional training to continue operating our trucks? With all the talk about cards and re-training it's starting to be a bit of a concern if they ever revoke our LGV licence or worse our operators license. As I understand it, as we only drive to the job, graft all day then drive home we don't need it. I will admit there are some day's I have to spend in the truck shunting gear from site to site but not many. Has anyone started their 35 hours or is every one just blanking it?
If your main job a scaffolder, then you do not need the driver CPC

Driver CPC - Who will be affected?

Anyone employed by a scaffolding company solely as a driver WILL need it as far as I'm aware.

I have started my 35 hours training as I'm likely todrive trucks for a living (currently unemployed). Apparently, take-up of courses are seriously down and there may be a mad panic come 2014.
Ultimately, it is up to the driver and their employer to decide if they are covered by these exemptions, and if necessary, justify it to the competent authority. Therefore the JAUPT would strongly advise that if a driver believes they are exempt from the Driver CPC that they should seek independent legal advice.

Thanks for that Trevor, I think I am perfectly entitled to claim exemption due to the fact driving is not our main duty but what the hell is that all about above? Does anyone make any regulations clear nowadays?
If your driving and the load is your own goods for your use, then you may be exempt

CPC training can come in many guises not just driving, other training may quailfy for your 35hrs such as first aid, forklift, Hiab, health & safety, there's loads to search through on google
First I've heard of that Hatterscaff. Will need to give that a look.
Ultimately, it is up to the driver and their employer to decide if they are covered by these exemptions, and if necessary, justify it to the competent authority. Therefore the JAUPT would strongly advise that if a driver believes they are exempt from the Driver CPC that they should seek independent legal advice.

Thanks for that Trevor, I think I am perfectly entitled to claim exemption due to the fact driving is not our main duty but what the hell is that all about above? Does anyone make any regulations clear nowadays?

I think they are trying to get folks to "err" on the safe side ie take the courses and pay the money! There are a lot of grey areas and the regs have to be flexible without being too specific to any sector of industry.

The courses are a bit of a farce. It perfectly possible to take your 35 hours doing the same course 5 times and there is no test/assessment at the end - you just have to pay and turn up! When you get your ticket (a card like a driving licence) there is no indication on what courses you have attended.
FFS, that's got to be the biggest waste of time effort and worst of all cash yet. What a joke. I'm all for training but what really gets me is this turn up and pass crap, what does that teach anyone. How do the trainers look at them selves in the mirror and say yes I did well today. Why cant they spit it out, you either need it or you don't need it instead of all this may guff. FFS, another crap course I will probably have to do for no good reason, where is it going to end?
FFS, that's got to be the biggest waste of time effort and worst of all cash yet. What a joke. I'm all for training but what really gets me is this turn up and pass crap, what does that teach anyone. How do the trainers look at them selves in the mirror and say yes I did well today. Why cant they spit it out, you either need it or you don't need it instead of all this may guff. FFS, another crap course I will probably have to do for no good reason, where is it going to end?

Admin will shortly announce that to post threads on this site you will need a SFC scaffolders forum card
this will be the new type of competence achievement with an unusual method of training (you don’t need to turn up, just Pay up):D

---------- Post added at 02:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:29 PM ----------

Hundreds of different elligible courses here :

Course Directory
Has it got to be done with a particular provider, I know I sound like a first year newbie but you never know with all these rules now. Out of that list you posted we have only done forklift and truck loader. Can't remember how many hours each were.

---------- Post added at 06:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:33 PM ----------

And another thing admin, you can stick yer card right up yer er..:embarrest:

I must get grandfather rights.:cool:
Red Tape.....Red Tape.....Red Tape.... :mad:

example: You have been a competent Scaffolder for 'x' amount of years and then somebody decides that you need to be 'ticketed' and that you must pay for the privilege.....?

example: You passed your Driving Test so long ago in the mists of time that you are entitled to, and have been, able to drive a 7.5 ton wagon for a number of years...........then somebody moves the goalposts and decides that soon you will no longer be competent to pursue this activity............unless you pay them!

Scam, or what?

The sooner the Euro fails completely and the EU breaks up the better...... then we will be back to ruling our own lives, instead of getting laws and directives from Brussels...... :sick:
Has it got to be done with a particular provider, I know I sound like a first year newbie but you never know with all these rules now.

As far as I know the provider must have the CPC approval prior to delivering the course, The guy we use, does the same course for us even though its registered as different courses with the CPC, CSCS, ALLMI and probably more!:amazed:

Out of that list you posted we have only done forklift and truck loader. Can't remember how many hours each were.

Unfortunately aom, the training you have already completed could not be used as part of your 35hours ( apparently although the provider could be the same, if it was not registered with the cpc first, then it don’t count!):sad:

And another thing admin, you can stick yer card right up yer er..

And if you don’t get your SFC this will be your last post on here my friend:laugh:

I must get grandfather rights.
Only your grandfather gets these rights, ya young wippersnapper:bigsmile:
As I thought, well feck it I've got every poece of training going and I aint doing that intill the break my arm.

I might relent about the forum card though.:embarrest:
Red Tape.....Red Tape.....Red Tape.... :mad:

The sooner the Euro fails completely and the EU breaks up the better...... then we will be back to ruling our own lives, instead of getting laws and directives from Brussels...... :sick:

The fact that its only the UK that follow these directives also leaves a bad taste in the mouth. Get rid of these un-elected ********* and we'd save a small fortune.
I don't know why people here are getting so het up about the driver CPC if they don't have to do it. The construction industry has got enough beaurocratic nonsense as it is without taking on some from the transport industry.

The end result of every 35 hours (an a considerable sum of money) is a small pastic card whose ony purpose is to be abe to show it to the authorities on request. The whole scheme is just a tax on a person's job. It is not going to fool prospective employers or the public into looking at truckers in a more positive light.

All counties in the EU have had to implement it. Some, like Holland have exempted drivers over 45. Others like the UK see it as an opportunity to provide more non-jobs that do not benefit the economy or create real wealth.
Mmm, I know there is no point moaning about it as what will be will be but it does get ever more frustrating to stay ahead with regulation. Especially when you hear the amount of guys on here who have to start their training from scratch, I'm not saying you would have to start from scratch with this CPC thing but you never know what they could come up with next.
we started this training for our guys last year and have just booked their second part this week.
we started this training for our guys last year and have just booked their second part this week.

Are you sure they are legally obliged to have it if driving HGVs is not their principle role?

Also, the "certificate" is not a one-off but ongoing. 35 hours of training to be completed by 9th September 2014. After that, the slate is wiped clean and another 35 hours have to be taken in time for the next deadline in 2019. It will be an continuous cost.
I posted about this myself a while ago, and my conclusion from that and speaking to others in the trade is that I will not be doing my cpc and wait until I get VOSA knocking my door telling me otherwise.

I will state the exemption which reads:

'You don't need a Driver CPC if the vehicle you drive is carrying materials or equipment for your work, where driving is not your principal activity'

I phoned DSA when this was first announced, as you said AOM said they told me that I should seel independant legal advice on the issue. As a typical scaff I was not willing to part with loads of £££ for the sake of some probable rubbish advice which would probably change by the time it actually came into force.

I have also contacted a CPC course company and told them my situation and they also said the same story of 'yeah ALL wagon drivers need it' which I see as scaremongering in an attempt to increase their own revenue. If ALL drivers need it then there would not be any exemptions.
True, and as a typical Scottish scaff I think I will join you.:cool:
Well boys despite my protestation it now looks like we will be doing this guff after all. I have taken advise from a local guy who we go for to advise us on anything related to transport and to be honest has never sold us a dummy yet. He tells me that if your carrying gear and anyone else erects it you will need it, if you were working for yourself and drove the truck, erected the gear on your own then you might not need it but if you want help even if you want to carry a passenger in the truck with you we are all going to need this. Not what I wanted to hear but another thing to pay out, no wonder the wages are getting lower.:suspicious:
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