Cowboy gaffers

What i dont get is that most Bosses are ex-Scaffolders, that have either been lucky to get a few quid somewhere or scrimped and scraped to get enough to build a small firm - or whatever.

They ARE the exact same as us.
Scaffolders... ex-Scaffolders.

If so, why do some of them insist on treating other Scaffolders like f.ucking shiit???
Taking them for c.unts? Knocking their wages? Taking the piss out of them?

I could NEVER EVER do that to someone, you know.
I dont understand how others can.

I never have been able to tbh.
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Jason, I agree with you that it's hard to understand why ex-scaffs sometimes treat their lads like dogturd. But having said that, ex-scaffs know all of the tricks that lads use to try and pull the wool over their gaffers eyes.
Also I think new bosses get a real eye opener when they see bills landing on the doormat for fuel, insurance, rates, VAT, income tax etc. Not saying it gives anyone the right to treat lads badly tho
it works both ways, some lads treat gaffas like sh1t,
most lads get knocked because they havnt kept THEIR side of the bargain i.e.:not enough ties, boards not tied, stop end boards missing i could go on, meaning someone has to go back and put others work correct, you have said it yourself J (I'm sick of putting others sh1t right) imagine if its coming out of your pocket or your budget?
i personally don't treat lads badly but a lot do, sometimes for nowt however sometimes for a reason,
why don't you give supervising a go its probably the best job in scaffolding:nuts:
everyone thinks its easy, the amount of superscaffs (not you chris) I've seen come into the office and who are going to change the world is unbelievable, lots do FAIL miserably.
then go back on the spanners and they spout the same sh1t, little do they know we have all saw them crying in the corner:toung::laugh:
What about the gaffas that blame the men when they have taken direct instructions from the gaffa but when the **** hits the fan its everyones fault but theres
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What about the gaffas that blame the men when they have taken direct instructions from the gaffa but when the **** hits the fan its everyones fault but theres

In that instance I usually find what they thought I said and what I actually said were two totally different things as they were too busy talking to listen.
In that instance I usually find what they thought I said and what I actually said were two totally different things as they were too busy talking to listen.

Now thats a real gaffas answer
My Two penorth

Every scaffolder, should have to be a supervisor for a month at least, before passing comments on how to run a few team's of scaffolders on a day to day basis.

As to running a company this is a whole different kettle of fish, Give it a go lads if you think it is easy.

Take my word lads, the easy part of the scaffolding game is erecting and dismantling the jobs
I couldn't even to begin to tell you about the week of feck up's we have had, no wonder I'm going grey.:(
aom, Blame the supervisor,contracts manager,fecking directors......:cry: their all a shower of sh*t,know feck all about running a firm :D

Now if I was the boss ,..blady blady blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :D
In a perfect world, everyone - Scaffolder, Gaffer, Yard workers - everyone would all work TOGETHER and everyone would earn nicely and go to work and be able to do their jobs, without all the other crap that gets thrown into the mix each day.

But i suppose, we dont live in a perfect world.
So that idea is f.ucked.

I may have no Supervisory or Management experience, nor do i want to, but i did start off in the office for a Scaffolding Firm, as a Trainee Engineer/Tea-Boy.
I did get about a years worth of 'training' in Surveying/Engineering/Tendering/Design/Safety and so on... not a big part, but enough to give me some kind of idea of the very basics to how a Scaffolding Firm is run.

Just a thought: How many Scaffolders have actually started off in the office - to then move out onto site? - oppose to the usual other way round? :eek: Lol.

Anyway. Some people forget too easily where they come from and start believing in their own importance far too much.

We're all the same.
All Scaffolders.
All working class people.

Because someone is in the office dont give them a right to look down on those out on site, same way as because someone in out on site, dont give them a right to hate those in the office.
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