Connolly scaffolding ltd

no one can be everywhere, just like the police without people assisting in highlighting culprits no one would be caught and brought to justice, I know the NASC will actively pursue any member who is bringing the organisation into disrepute, but the need information and proof to do that.
the company is a joke,iam at the moment taking them to court for an accident at work (wont go in to details but they were warned of this and ignored it) hey! presto! it happened!!! and talk of passing the buck to each other,like rats from a sinking ship!!!!!:D
Thats what i'm saying, they wouldn't have to be everywhere if there own auditing system worked, which happen to be every 12 months, they should concentrate more on keeping their own house inorder instead of finding more ways to make money by developing consistently more complex legislation. They make more money out of everybody that way, by not involving everybody. Hundred and thirty odd quid for non-members for TG 20??? WTF, which i can guarentee they are currently working on the next issue!!
they do a physical audit every two years on members no other trade organisation does that however if you want to cut corners its easy to do and thats where they need to help to find these people. do you honestly beleive the cost of the publication covers the time and consultation required to produce it. TG20 has been 4 years in the making.
Most of the legislation was there from the previous TG20
soz rob lynch!!!lol, Fair do i apprciate how much time, cost and effort it takes to develop the literature, but we're not just talking about tg20, it's everything else, you telling me that they don't make money off the back of the literature they produce?? how can they come to a conclusion that their way is best with out consulting the majority of the industry?
they do a physical audit every two years on members no other trade organisation does that however if you want to cut corners its easy to do and thats where they need to help to find these people. do you honestly beleive the cost of the publication covers the time and consultation required to produce it. TG20 has been 4 years in the making.

I they had'nt have made a complete hash of the 1st edition then I would bet a pound to a piece of siht it would have been cheaper...

I have sent numerous pictures of NASC Member companies not complying to their own guidelines etc to their President/HSE/Regional Auditor, even on of The Regional Chairmans company...Are they still members? Of course they are...They are as far as I am concerned a complete farce..
What we are working on is a system that any scaffold company can become a member, it is then up to us to help those companies improve & follow best practice.

We are developing a company charter that members can up grade to.

This membership will be audited once a year with two other unplanned site visits in between to show that the members are complying.

After all an Industry Body is there to help your business!!

Stewart Quinney
SCCR Chairman
you have nailed the answer,no need to beat ourselves up about what will be done ,we have to get the nasc out of the loop, we have to get the ball rolling good and proper regarding the scsc
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