anything can go wrong anywhere from low risk to heightend risk treat all confined work the same as when it goes wrong weve all seen the outcome.
my advise would be anything that your not sure of or you feel is unsafe challenge it,as ultimately its your life.get it gas tested and have monitors and top man and rescue plan no matter what joe cole says always challenge what you feel aint right.
Is that hse guidance?
A confined space is not all to do with gases, its ways of access and getting out, if something was to happen, meaning there has to be a certified person outside knowing what to do if someone was to get injured, if the lift shaft goes below ground level, especially in a new build,it will defiantly be a confined space...
What do I know? What if someone needs rescuing,special equipment needed?
A confined space is not all to do with gases, its ways of access and getting out, if something was to happen, meaning there has to be a certified person outside knowing what to do if someone was to get injured, if the lift shaft goes below ground level, especially in a new build,it will defiantly be a confined space...
I have the acops from Hse and safe contractor lift shaft info as reasons to my conclusion and will update next week as to outcomeI would agree.