Claims-marketing restrictions planned

I think we should remember things like this so it will never be allowed to happen again.
if memory serves me right nottingham were the only branch not to wild cat strike thus they were the only ones to do the right thing,scargill was told have the BALLOT he didnt listen thus he made the strike illegal allowing thatcher to freeze the biggest funds of any union ever.after the bitter dispute she said if nottingham had broke the law the miners would have broke the goverment.IM AFRAID THIS STILL RUNS DEEP ALLOVER THE COUNTRY PW.

---------- Post added at 08:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:55 AM ----------

the ironic thing is nottingham would have voted to strike 95%,as they were one of the more millitant elements of the NUM.

I completley understand but I think Saint Scargill was just as bad as Mad Maggie, think the underlying thing was even if Nottingham had come out Maggies Mob were NEVER going to allow the miners or any other Union for that matter take us back to the bad old days of the 70's when the Unions and their members basically bankrupt the country and we ended up going cap in hand to the IMF for a bailout...Pretty similar to what Greece/Ireland Etc are going through now.
If they had taken the ballot then the goverment would have fallen a widely accepted fact in the corridors of power,mick maghey urged scargill not to go the wildcat route as it would illigitamise the strike in the courts thus the freezing of union can win a stike with no funds they had the largest funds of any union bar solidarity(poland),its done and dusted now shame though.

---------- Post added at 09:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:28 AM ----------

Aom your correct maggie seen to that with all the anti union statuates she implemented after the strike,of which funnily enough in 13years of power a labour goverment repealed none.
New labour certainly fudged the boundaries to the point it was difficult to tell them apart.
Maggie Thatcher Destroyed Any Manufacturing Industry In This Country Prefering The Service Sector With Crap Wages And Part Time Hours Funny The Last Time The Construction Industry Was On Its Arse She And Her Tory Acolites Were In Power She Should Be Burned At The Stake For The Damage She And Her Party Have Done To This Country

Obviously the Union backed party who we have (Thank Fook) just gotten rid of after 13 years used the above as a model to Govern.... Twinned with the fact they went on a complete spending frenzy very nearly brought this great country of ours to its knees....

Our Childrens Children will still be paying the price for that last Govermentship...We need someone like Maggie BACK to sort all this **** out...

P.S. Simian, please accept my apologies for hijacking your post and going so off thread!!
oh he,ll be pottering about in a mansion lawn somewhere mate knowing this great country of ours.
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