CISRS has announced that from 01 June 2017 New Mandatory Requirement For Scaff's

Hi Imk

They have approved the I.W on the NASC site…if they have concerns they should have cite them…

Aye, these soft pressed steel imports have been a concern for quite some time…

Perhaps CISRS CPD Course will chose/endorse their preferred Manufacturer of the I.W…KKKKKKKkkkkkkkeeeeeeeerrrrrrccccchiinng…be interesting to see the one they chose...
I think they have cited them, HAV and noise to name just two possible sources that may require additional control measures. I don't think NASC has ever endorsed one particular product, for obvious reasons.

I believe some testing has been done on the current crop of pressed steel fitting with some poor results being achieved.
Theres no need for a 2 day skills refresher course that includes TG & SG updates - these are all issued by the NASC foc to their members but non members are expected to pay (which tbh is fundermentaly wrong) - however as written notes & booklets it would be so easy to introduce & include a new "scaffolders" section into the h&s touchscreen test - something we must all read,digest & correctly answer questions on to pass & get issued a new tckt with - how easy would that be - oh wait- theres not enough money on it for those cuntz to scam out of us by doin it this way is there
Wonder How Much Theses Two Days Are Going To Cost???????????

You Going To Lose Two Days In Wages!

I Think Must be £250 plus For Two Days Course.

So Instead Of £26.50 PLUS A CSCS TEST £30.OO.




Hi Imk…

H&S concerns have been raised and discussed on the Forum…a particularly informative post was Southern's info on Time Weighed Averages and exposure times whilst using the I.W during Scaffolding Operations…a load of good post my Bro Scaffs with hands on information discussed over the years…

It is a great loss that NASC/CISRS choose to discount the Forum and its members from the Collaborative Consultation process…

As regard to the current quality of Pressed Steel fittings…the I.W torque is set to the Fitting Manufacturers Recommendations…therefore, if deformities of the PSF this maybe due to the Quality of the PSF…

---------- Post added at 10:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:23 AM ----------

Hi Southern…

Service Co's ( NON-NASC ) in Abdn are taking a long hard look at this one…the Bolt on Training these Service Cos provide are monitored and update and delivered to the delegate in a professional setting by Trainers well seasoned in our Industry…

The new CPD Course may infringe on a particular Course Topic that the Service Cos already cover…

We got CPD on the horizon…whats the next one I wonder ??? EEEEeee an Offshore Course…set at the New Aberdeen NASC/CISRS Facility at ASET perhaps…aye, Southern, I widni put it past them to try...

---------- Post added at 11:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:59 AM ----------

Aye, Teeside…this could be a Course too far…

ECITB maybe best suited to some Sector's…

Indeed…Services Cos + ECITB are talking…

NASC/CISRS are not the only kid on the block...
After a cooling off period…I am warming to the idea, however, routes of funding would have to be available for all...
You be lucky to get funding for this.

May get if you been on dole for 6 months to a year.

Not much funding around for old timers 25 and above.

Cut for funding seems to be 24 years old.
Government do an ELA funding £200 and you don't have to be on the dole to get it…would cover some of the costs…if your fortunate enough to be in gainful employment then the Company would have to foot the bill surly...
Evening Gary, contrary to popular belief, I'm sure that the NASC and CISRS will use all avenues and streams of information to reach a conclusion. I do know that individual companies have had to do some testing to exceed the current guidance of a maximum of 1 single check fitting. They managed to increase that to 2, but not for the current pressed steel coupler.
its all a scam by those who sit behind a desk at bircham newton and other establishments and the hse don't care they are getting their job done for them free of charge the only person getting hit is those guys on the street and small buisnesses who cant afford these changes its no wonder no one wants to start their own business these days too much red tape and they keep piling it on year after year citb is a government organisation they shouid not be making money out of us we do these courses and pay our taxes that shouid be enough SPEAK TO YOUR MP AND ASK THEM TO RAISE THIS MATTER IN THE HOUSE OF COMMONS GENTS THIS IS THE ONLY WAY WE CAN STOP THESE FREE LOADERS FROM FLEECING US ANYMORE

---------- Post added at 10:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:18 AM ----------

I tell you boys come the revolution lol
I've heard £450

---------- Post added at 10:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:39 AM ----------

CITB is indeed levy funded (Government) and is a registered charity (non profit making) CISRS and certain private training providers are the organisations profiting and manipulating OUR industry!!
Citb if i can remember last year or the one before posted profits of 20 million ?? Wtf their courses are well over priced £995.00 for a two week course part 1 or part 2 £400 for a one day asessment?????? Where is the logic???? And your loused for dinner time its time we woke up to the fleecers
its all a scam by those who sit behind a desk at bircham newton and other establishments and the hse don't care they are getting their job done for them free of charge the only person getting hit is those guys on the street and small buisnesses who cant afford these changes its no wonder no one wants to start their own business these days too much red tape and they keep piling it on year after year citb is a government organisation they shouid not be making money out of us we do these courses and pay our taxes that shouid be enough SPEAK TO YOUR MP AND ASK THEM TO RAISE THIS MATTER IN THE HOUSE OF COMMONS GENTS THIS IS THE ONLY WAY WE CAN STOP THESE FREE LOADERS FROM FLEECING US ANYMORE

---------- Post added at 10:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:18 AM ----------

I tell you boys come the revolution lol
How many signatures do you need on a petition before they have to raise the matter in parliament? You can set up one online through the appropriate channels.
Could be worth considering.
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Yeah lets do it this not only affects us but our families as well

---------- Post added at 12:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:13 AM ----------

They are taking the hard earned money out of our pockets and we don't say a thing about it it's time to say enough is enough
Dt44, Welcome To The Forum Buddy, The Citb Is Not Government Funded Its Funded By Construction Companies Paying A Levy Of 1% Of Turnover, Its Basically A Bosses Cartel Mate As For The Nasc They Are Another Shower Of Bandits , Why Would I As A Scaffolder Let My Competition Review My Books And Turnover Sorry Boys Not Going To Happen
Thanks Gerscaff! I am fully aware of the process, however reading my post back perhaps it could have been written better. The most important thing I think we can all agree on is nobody is happy with who and how our industry is being monopolised. CITB once controlled the scheme and in my opinion did a decent job. CISRS was a registration scheme controlled by CITB! It's now has a director of training (wonder how that post was filled?) it claims to have provided training for the past x amount of years? The NASC, CISRS and a collection of private providers are controlling the industry, this being done for the greater good or for their ego and profits. Check out CISRS website and their promotional videos the overseas centre same old companies featuring time and time again, conflict of interest it right under your noses guys!!
Fvckin' 'Ell


I haven't been on here for awhile...but I started erecting Scaffolding in 1964

Most definitely 'Old School' in every respect. This is just more cobblers!

Scaffolding used to be an enjoyable job...and you could either do it, or you were out.

I knew the rot was setting in when they made Hard Hats compulsory...and as for Harnesses....Oh well, I am glad that I am past my 'sell by date'...:toung:

However, I did survive 50 years in 'the game' and am glad that I can just sit out on my deck now swigging beer, blasting out Lynyrd Skynyrd & Led Zep etc...and not missing at all the direction that Scaffolding has taken. RIP :sad2:
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