cheap foreign scaffolding

There wont be a comeback happy cos were too scared of upsetting our suppliers.

To me...fuuck them all go back to british manufactured scaffolding, yeah it may be more expensive but whats the cost compared to constant replacements for cheap shiit or even compensation to injured workforce and lawsuits.
rule brittania
he took the words out of my mouth
and swifty have you had a word with my wee pal "go to wales cause englands fuucked they let in all the immigrants:eek:
i will PM you if the vote goes against us
imagine sending one of our ASIAN cussins (as ikram would say) to a Rangers game asking questions like that.i smell a leftist plot to make the GOOD AND TRUE look bad to the world.;)
we are the people;)
scaffold sales there have been 2 battens snap which were delivered brand new last 2 weeks ago_One was when a scaffolder was erecting so NO IT WASNT OVERLOADED as material was being roped up as and when required due to Risk assesments regarding dropped objects etc
there are ledgers with the ends welded at a diiferent angle.
there have also been 8ft kwikstage boardbearers/transoms were the wedge conector has came off totally at the weld.i can get a photo of that one.cuplok which doesnt lock?
you are involved in the import or at least have better knowledge than myself
WHAT IF ANY QUALITY ASSURANCE COMES WITH THE GEAR FROM CHINA AND INDIA,and if and when it fails is there any come back ;)

Happy unfortunately I'm not involved in this specific project so can only voice my opinion and generalise on the standard practise of suppliers to the market. We like all other suppliers have been left with no option but to source materials from abroad in recent years. British manufacturing is gone and will never return as everything is always bought and sold on cheapest price - it's a fact of everyday life.

However my company (and I hope all other suppliers) go through a rigorous inspection program whilst sourcing our stock. This includes all systems, tube, fittings and boards. As an additional measure we also batch test a minimum of 10% of all materials sourced through an independent testing laboratory on receipt. This data is then held on file should we ever encounter a failure or non conformance.

As for your timber issues you need to raise this with your suppliers and ask for their test results following board grading. We buy the bulk of our timber through john brash, as they pride themselves on traceability. To the point where they can tell us which Forrest the tree is from, and which month is was felled.

Your supplier should have this information, and they need to investigate immediately to save further incidents, especially if you now have a few snapped battens. Provided there has been no miss use onsite and the timber is fresh, they remain liable to an extent as does the main contractor. Not the scaffolder who has signed off the tag!. He can only visually inspect during installation and advise accordingly.

Pm me if you want my details and I might be able to point you in the right direction.
Im hearing British industry is in the infant stages of starting again as China,s not so cheap anymore.
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