Charity in Hastings


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2010
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Watched Rory and Paddy's even greater British adventure last night and see they were down in Hastings taking part in the annual fancy dress pram race for charity, ever done it Scaffy maybe you could enter a team of scaffs. We had a wheel barrow race one year down our way and it was during an outage and we had some boro boys down and they entered, you had to do 8 pubs in the space of bout 2 miles and drink 1/2 pint in each pub and then get back to the first pub which was the finish line,2 of the boro boys, Rob and Pip smashed it and drank a pint in each one. beat everyone by about half hour, up the scaffs:cool:

I was to busy at the bar otherwise i would of entered not, ruin a good drink that, all that rushing around. just drop some money in the collection bucket, done my bit then.:laugh::laugh:
na mate il have a look into it sounds like the crack i bet sabretiger has been involved at some stage !! I dont drink in the old town as a rule its full of people with webbed feet !
Same as Lydd then, they have all got web feet as well :eek: mind you there all related as well:wacko::laugh::laugh:
incest a game for all the family
i have a mate in lydd and i often say that to him
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